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What a hoot.... Caelen's Arrival


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There were few things in life that failed to amuse, he thought as he found himself standing in front of a portal to.... somewhere. He'd barely made it to the gates of Tear, found one of those men in black, announced himself crazy and been escorted for testing. Over rather quickly really and he told them so but his voiced concerns of the dramatic appeal of their test versus the relativity of the profound effect they had on his life seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. "If I become mad and deaf i'm really going to be put out." He told them firmly planting his hands on his hips as they stared rather dumbly at him after his diatribe had been exhausted.


That was right before they had dumped him in front of this gateway, he thought they called it. Again, no ceremony, nothing to show the momentous things that were happening in his life. Kind of like everything that had ever happened to him. Nothing had announced the coming of the Power in his life and it had lived quite... quietly, in him for some time. No going mad and blowing up things for him, no sir. He just quietly went mad with nothing to show for it. Well, he wasn't mad really. People just said he had an odd personality and a more peculiar sense of humor than an Aiel. That's what they said to his face anyway. Not that he'd met one. That'd be fun wouldn't it?


"Alright, i'm going boys. No need to abuse your elders with all the name calling." Their looks were priceless since they had neither said a word, simply looked at him and back to the gateway. "I'll have you know i'm reporting every foul thing i've seen you two up to." He tapped his forehead with a finger and smiled. "I'll not forget your names. I have a good memory for them. See you later Emy and Gail!" With those words, he walked through the gateway and found himself, well, he wasn't sure where exactly. But they'd told him what to do, before he'd started mouthing off about their artistic performances and some touches they could add. Red capes seemed to have left them speechless because at that point they had stopped even trying to get a word in.


He walked in as he had been told to and smiled winningly at the first person he came across. "Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can find the Amyrlin Sea? I have an appointment to get my dress fitted and I'd hate to be late because I got lost. Do you think a pretty blue dress would being out the color in my eyes? Or should I try for something darjer for my complexion? I was also thinking about one of those pretty bonnets you see in Amadacia. They've just lovely this time of year and they do keep the sun out of the eyes. I would so hate to end up an old maid with wrinkly eyes, wouldn't you?"


Caelen's face was the study in innocence and sincerity and he waited with an inner smile to see what the reaction would be to a sun-wrinkled 32 year old man behaving as he did. It was such a hoot to be him.


(someone please welcome my boy home before he hurts himself :P)


Caelen Sarafayan (not that mad... just that... um... Caelen)


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OOC: Ooh I just can't resist...he looks like too much fun :D



Jocelyn breathed deeply of the fresh air as she strolled through the farm, the place she now called home. She'd intended to escape her thoughts with a refreshing walk, hoping the relative serenity would distract her, but it seemed to merely make things worse, the quiet enhancing her thoughts, and ruining what little remained of her civil mood. Curse that wench and her wandering hands. Rion was hers! Why did Covai have to bring her here, of all places? Everything had been so perfect, she was supposed to be travelling with Rion at the end of the week, preparing their new home together, yet everytime she turned around Adawyn had her filthy claws on Rion. And he let her! She didn't know who to be more mad at.


So lost in her own thoughts, Jocelyn didn't even realise she was back among the buildings, let alone that the smiling man she had not seen before was addressing her. What on earth was this man prattling on about? A pretty blue dress to bring out the colour in his eyes? Clearly he was here to join the other channellers, and Jocelyn couldn't help but think perhaps the madness had already taken this one, though there was something in his gaze. Innocence? Feigned innocence, more like. He may be crazy as a loon, but a sense of humour was something lacking around here. Jocelyn found herself smiling at him, despite herself, despite her earlier gloomy thoughts.


"Good heavens, but crinkly eyes does sound like quite the calamity, perhaps I should rush out and find a bonnet myself." Jocelyn absently flipped her long dark tresses over her shoulder as she smiled at him, her emerald eyes glinting with some returned good humour of her own. "It would seem that you are having an identity crisis though sir, though it may be hard to believe, given your spectacular surroundings, but this is not the White Tower, and I don't believe your legs are quite shapely enough for skirts." The grin that returned at Jocelyn's observation lightened her mood greatly. Light, she must be as mad as the rest of them, exchanging madness with someone who was likely insane.


"Now I wouldn't want you to be late for your appointment sir, so I shall help you find someone of some authority. Not the Amyrlin Seat I'm afraid, but likely someone as crazy as yourself." Jocelyn couldn't help the impish remark, though her good natured smile took any sting from her words. "I am Jocelyn, and you are?" She enquired curiously as she led the newcomer towards the inn, thinking there she would either find one of the head honchos, or at least be able to determine where they were.



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"Good heavens, but crinkly eyes does sound like quite the calamity, perhaps I should rush out and find a bonnet myself. It would seem that you are having an identity crisis though sir, though it may be hard to believe, given your spectacular surroundings, but this is not the White Tower, and I don't believe your legs are quite shapely enough for skirts."


"Now I wouldn't want you to be late for your appointment sir, so I shall help you find someone of some authority. Not the Amyrlin Seat I'm afraid, but likely someone as crazy as yourself. I am Jocelyn, and you are?"


Caelen very nearly bust out laughing over the shapeliness of his legs and was hard pressed not to give her a good showing to prove that he did have wonderful legs, but thought better of it on first meeting. She was a pretty thing and with a sense of humor to boot he didn't want to offend so quickly. He'd found plenty of people who'd laugh at him, but few bantered back and forth with him like that and he thought highly of her already.


He took the lady's hand in his and bowed lightly over it. "You honor me Jocelyn. My name is Caelen, Caelen Sarafayan. I was dumped her by a set of goons who seemed to think humor should be outlawed. I'm not sure why they were so upset. I was just trying to give them a few pointers on showmanship. I'm not a gleeman or anything, but you'd think when they test you to join up they could do something... I don't know... ceremonial? Impressive? I mean, i'm off to be a killing machine for the Dragon aren't I? I should get a little something. I'd have even been happy if they'd have played a flute and danced a jig. Though i'm pretty sure their legs wouldn't look good in a skirt." He said with a wink.


"May I ask what brings you here? I hardly doubt you're going to be an Asha'man, unless you're better looking in drag than I am, and with this face," he held his chin up, striking a momentary pose, "I am hard to beat."



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Jocelyn smiled brightly at the flowery bow, noting how long it had been since she had seen such manners in a man, besides Rion at least. The rest of the men here seemed to forget that she was a woman, and that underneath their black uniforms they were still just men. It was a nice change, a friendly face and an amusing sense of humour. Already Jocelyn found herself warming to Caelen.


"May I ask what brings you here? I hardly doubt you're going to be an Asha'man, unless you're better looking in drag than I am, and with this face, I am hard to beat." Jocelyn's eyes twinkled with amusement and she laughed freely. "If I was indeed a man, I would feel terribly threatened by that stunning profile, to be sure." She chuckled again and fell into step beside him, setting a casual pace as she spoke.


"Well initially I was not here by choice." She began wryly. That was an understatement. "I happened to ride too close to the farm, and was spotted...and well, not wanting to risk me telling anyone their location, I was not allowed to leave. Not that I didn't try." She smiled and gave Caelen a wink. "But things change, the unexpected happens, and I find myself quite content here now. Largely because I fell in love with the man who found me." She admitted, clasping her hands behind her back as she walked, her thoughts returning to Rion. She had no desire to leave him, now or ever, though Adawyn certainly wasn't making her life any better. Wretched hussy, Jocelyn was determined to be rid of her yet. Hopefully when she was out of his sight their life could go back to normal...well as normal as life was around here anyway.


"Enough about me...you must be the calmest new recruit I have ever encountered in my time here. Most are either cursing their fate or preening themselves and puffing their chests about as though they were suddenly the creator incarnate. Where do you fit in? Having passed this testing, you clearly know you are one of those men who has the ability to channel." She shot him a cheeky sideways glance, smiling so he knew she jested with him. "Unless you are quite mad already and have no idea what is going on?" She raised a brow in question, enjoying thoroughly the company of the newcomer.



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"Enough about me...you must be the calmest new recruit I have ever encountered in my time here. Most are either cursing their fate or preening themselves and puffing their chests about as though they were suddenly the creator incarnate. Where do you fit in? Having passed this testing, you clearly know you are one of those men who has the ability to channel. Unless you are quite mad already and have no idea what is going on?"


Caelen was a little surprised by her words, a little taken back that she had been taken captive, but it seemed they hadn't treated her bad and he had heard of worse things. He'd have to find out who this man was she was talking about. If he had managed to turn her head and make her happy he was probably a good person to know. For some reason he didn't see this woman falling for some brawn and no brains type. Course he could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time a woman had fallen for someone she shouldn't. When she turned her words back to him he smiled.


"Well, if i'd just found out I could channel I guess I might be in that pickle. The knowledge came to me a bit slower than for most I suppose. I already knew I could channel when I heard about the proclamation and all of this, though to tell the truth, I was expecting something a little more grand." he said with a wink. "I had more time to adjust to it and..well... maybe I am a little mad. Or maybe it's just not in my nature to cure and rail again the creator for making me a little off the wall. In all honestly My fair Lady, I happen to like being me and if that means I learn to channel and die mad, so be it. If I live a short life, well, i've had a longer than some and it's been mostly good. Though before I die, I think I'd like a dance with you." He said with a wink.



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Jocelyn couldn't help but admire Caelen's outlook on his life. She liked his attitude, knowing that fighting the inevitable was pointless and frustrating, so he may as well accept what the wheel had spun for him. Still, it was a hard pill to swallow, the knowledge that your gift would eventually drive you mad. Even Jocelyn couldn't help but curse the creator at times, for what she knew was in store for Rion, for what was already revealing itself in the form of voices. It just didn't seem fair. But if you could face it with a smile, why not?


A mysterious smile crossed Jocelyn's lips at the mention of a smile. It suddenly occurred to her that Caelen was flirting with her, something she had encountered many a time, even in her few years. Normally it was something she relished, her natural Domani heritage taking over as she flirted back, the thrill of wondering where it could lead was always a heady drug. Yet things had changed. She loved Rion, and was faithful to him. It was why only the most foolish of men at the farm were the only ones to attempt to proposition her - the rest knew she was well and truly a taken woman. Yet the past few days, after this Adawyn wench had taken up residence, had shaken Jocelyn's cosy world. Rion's feelings didn't seem to be enough to bring him to stop Adawyn and her attentions.


Smiling brightly, she returned Caelen's wink. "Dancing is something that I have yet to see around this place, though I do believe it is severely lacking. Next time there is dancing, I will be sure to save one for you." She promised with a smile, knowing that she shouldn't flirt back with this man she did not know, but finding it difficult to resist. She loved Rion, with all her heart, but he didn't seem to think twice about her feelings lately. Why should she care what he thought? A voice of reason in the back of Jocelyn's mind screamed at her that she was playing with fire, that she would only make things worse, though she paid it little heed. She wouldn't do anything foolish, she was just enjoying the refreshing company of a new, handsome face.


It didn't take long before they reached the inn, Jocelyn leading the way through the door into the dim interior, casting her eyes about for one of the superior Ashaman. Her eyes narrowed as she spied Covai. She couldn't say she was fond of the man, not after the way he had treated Rion, despite his logical reasoning for why he had done what he did. Add to the fact that she blamed him directly for Adawyn's presence, and he was not one of her favourite people. Yet sadly no one else of sufficient rank was present in the inn at that time, so with a barely suppressed sigh, Jocelyn approached the table where Covai lounged with a tankard.


"Ahem." Stopping in front of the table, Jocelyn fixed a stony glare to her face as she sought Covai's attention. Curse the man, but she was almost certain he deliberately ignored her! "Covai, a moment." She uttered through gritted teeth, irritation building as he looked up. "Caelen here was brought to the farm and abandoned, I was hoping you could point him in the right direction." Light but it was hard to stay civil, when all Jocleyn wanted to do was leap over the table and shake Covai until he promised to take his whore of a cousin back to the dung heap where he had found her. "Caelen, this is Covai." A lofty gesture introduced the two men as Jocelyn tried to hide her ire.



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Covai rested his cheek against his hand as his eyes turned to take in Jocelyn and the newcomer. Haphazardly, Covai nodded his head to the right "Thats right.." then to the left "and that's left." Keeping the grin from his face, Covai continued "Kinda figured you knew that already, but oh well. Anything else you need me to do for you?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jocelyn gave Covai a steely glare as he deliberately misunderstood her meaning. Bloody men! Why did they have to be so difficult? Crossing her arms, she tapped her foot, an impatient sigh escaping between her clenched teeth. "Helpful as always, I see." She muttered dryly at Covai. Why he enjoyed torturing her she would never know, burn him. "But you know full well that is not what I meant." Light but he made her look like a fool, and how she hated to look a fool! Especially when she had been in such good spirits, after meeting Caelen. It would be good to have someone pleasant around the tower, as opposed to the rest of the morbid bunch.


"Caelen is a new recruit, and since last time I check I am not doomed to go mad like yourself, I thought you would be the one to help him settle in." Jocelyn couldn't help the bite in her voice, but burn him, Covai brought it out in her. "Now if you'll excuse me..." Shooting one more glare at Covai, she turned to Caelen, a smile once more brightening her features as she nodded at him.


"It has been a pleasure meeting you, no doubt we will encounter one another again soon." She said in a far more friendly voice than the one she used on Covai. "After all, I do believe you owe me a dance." Unable to resist, Jocelyn winked at Caelen before swaying her way out of the inn, her spirits once more rising as she temporarily forgot about the trouble with Rion and Adawyn.



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"It has been a pleasure meeting you, no doubt we will encounter one another again soon. After all, I do believe you owe me a dance."


Without another word, the fair Lady was off and Caelen was left standing before an Asha'man. Well, at least she had agreed to the dance, he thought with a smile. He turned his eyes away from the girl and back to the other man, Covai, she had called him. He didn't like the way the man had disregarded Jocelyn as she had come in, but he wasn't the type to jump to conclusions. And if this was a man in charge, he would certainly had something to do with her initial detainment which would cause a fair bit of disgruntlement between them. He decided to step clear of that trouble, at least until he knew the situation better. No reason to start a fight. Not that he ever had before really. Fighting had just never been his thing. Who knew what would happen now though.


Smiling his best, he acknowledged Covai. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir. I guess i'm the newest recruit." He looked around a bit, eyeing their surroundings. "I don't suppose you have a gong or something to ring me in? Anything... dramatic to mark the occassion?" He added with a grin.



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