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eBooks for Europe?


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I am a European WoT-Fan and would love to read the eBooks with the new cover as an ePup.


However neither Amazon nor B&N offer this books to Non-US-Citizens, the Sony Reader shop can't even be reached from here, and I am totaly clueless...


I am willing to spend real money for this, and I can't find a way to legally buy those... And no, I don't want to pirate them and I don't want them as real books.


Do you know about a way for me to buy those books?


Thank you

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I think for these books to be available in Europe, they would have to be published by Orbit. My advice is to contact them and let them know you're interested in purchasing them. If they get enough requests, they'll start selling them.  Sorry I can't be more helpful.


The eBooks are available in the UK, just with the standard black cover with wheel and snake logo embellishment. They are being released at the same time as over in the US.


See: http://www.waterstones.com/waterstonesweb/search/ebook/Wheel+of+Time/0/0%5E3757/


FYI There is no Sony Store for eBooks in the UK, instead they ahve 'partnered' with Waterstones, WH Smiths and others who do ebooks.


I contacted Orbit about getting versions with the new covers, but they have not responded yet. Although now I am looking at the info on Waterstones site it looks like the eBook publisher here in the UK is Hachette Digital. I might fire off an e-mail to them about it.


EDIT: Ok, Hachette Digital (formerly Hachette Audio) do the ebooks for Orbit (as they are both imprints of little, brown book group) , but I can't seem to find a site specifically for Hachettte Digital in the UK. So the best contact info I can come up with is Little, Brown book group itself - which is probably worse than contacting Orbit. So I don't really know who to contact now :/

To make it even more confusing there is also a Hachette Digital in the US but under a different book group, and useless for our needs due to the way publishers do publishing rights.


EDIT 2: The UK HD do seem to have their own Twitter feed though: http://twitter.com/HachetteDigital (Might tweet them in a second).



Just tweeted the relevent accounts with the following

@HachetteDigital / @LittleBrownUK / @OrbitBooks Is there any chance of the UK getting the Wheel of Time ebooks with the US ebook covers??

Whether any of them reply or not... I wish I could find contact info specifically for Hachette Digital UK...


Figured I'd update this thread, HachetteDigital UK got back to me basically saying they had no plans to publish the ebooks in the UK with the US ebook cover art.


BOOOO Hachette Digital / BOOOO Orbit.


Those ebook covers are among the few US covers I actually like!


Publishers are arseholes.


I know the Sweet covers can be... interesting..., but we never get the option. Wheel and Serpent is all very well, but 12 in its getting a bit blah. Obv, I'd read it if it had doggy doodoo on the front, but it's the principle of the thing.


Besides, the varied artist covers for the ebooks are pretty cool. Want! *stamps foot*


Of course it doesn't help that my Sony Reader comprehensively and totally died last week, only 18 months old he was....


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