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27 Qorzanks 3:5-9


5 And beholdeth, the day dideth cometh when, yea, a mice amongeth men dideth standeth upeth.  Lo, he dideth becometh a lion amongeth men.  And the larks dideth singeth.  And the bees didth buzzeth.  And all waseth righteth in the worldeth.  But nay, the green spandex-eatingeth glob of butter, thusly name-ed Moldy Butter Glob, dideth riseth toeth powereth.  Eth.  And yea, all the Eth's of the worldeth, dideth cometh downeth intoeth the landeth.  George waseth afraideth.  Crayons dideth cryeth.  And Eths were overusedeth.  Then the dusteth clearedeth.  And there, standingeth uponeth a box of pureth SoBe, was a stick.


6 And the stick, beholdething, was not a stick, but an Eth, transformedeth intoeth a sticketh.  And yea, Hormaquelthar'ianiauxious III, did smile and spake saying,


7 "Behold, mine children.  Never again shall "eth" be used a a suffix under any circumstances.  And remember, spit out thy gum before retiring to sleep."


8 So spaked hiM, Hormaquelthar'ianiauxious III, son of Rid, son of Dormoltholiandopolirioussandiegorite IV, son of Haroth, son of Regis Philbin, daughter of Hormaquelthar'ianiauxious II, son of Hormaquelthar'ianiauxious Sr, son of Son.


9 And the sheep did give forth lambs.  And the cows did give forth calves.  And the babies did give forth babies.  And the cheese did give forth Hepatitis C.  And the ands did give forth forth's.  And the DSage did give forth boredom.  And the DMers did give forth Spam.  And the Spam did thank them.  And the tree was happy.  Amen.

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