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An Alternative View of the Propecy of the Dragon's Death at Shayol Ghul

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I accept that there is still a fair bit to do. I have never denied that. I just don't accept that there is five and a half months worth of stuff to do, given the pacing of the series to date. Nothing really bears that out except for your desire to have Elayne's babies bo born at TG. And my objections to that happening to fulfill the prophecies are based on more than just the timeline - specifically, the wording of the prophecies doesn't support it, and it seem unlikely Rand would bring his heavily pregnant girlfriend with him when he goes to face Shai'tan.


While I agree with you that a pregnant Elayne won't go to Shayol Ghul, there is still the matter of Mats cannons. I am no expert on them, but it seems that it would take at least a few months to have them created. So TG could easily be four/five months away.

who said their going to be done by then?

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While I agree with you that a pregnant Elayne won't go to Shayol Ghul,



Elayne knows her babies will be born healthy. She has a ter'angreal that makes her invisible to shadowspawn. All it will take for her to "save the day" and ruin everything is to hear a slight rumor that Rand was going to do something at Shayol Ghul she didn't agree with. I can actually see him dueling Shaidar Haran and she stabs Shaidar in the back with the dagger pulling a Merry (or maybe that was Pippin) while Rand beheads the fade. The dagger will play some important role, at least. It wouldn't have been mentioned the way it was so late in the series if it was pointless.



While I agree with you that a pregnant Elayne won't go to Shayol Ghul,



Elayne knows her babies will be born healthy. She has a ter'angreal that makes her invisible to shadowspawn. All it will take for her to "save the day" and ruin everything is to hear a slight rumor that Rand was going to do something at Shayol Ghul she didn't agree with. I can actually see him dueling Shaidar Haran and she stabs Shaidar in the back with the dagger pulling a Merry (or maybe that was Pippin) while Rand beheads the fade. The dagger will play some important role, at least. It wouldn't have been mentioned the way it was so late in the series if it was pointless.


Yeah but the DO himself doesn't have a thread in the pattern; he is an external threat that could easily kill Elayne thus altering her fate. It was mentioned a bit in TGS, and while they spoke of the extremes, that being him completely destroying the Pattern, I dont think its implausible to suggest that the DO operates outside the intended fate of the Wheel and could just as easily change certain situations.


who said their going to be done by then?


I suppose, but it seems unlikely they wont play a part. Has essentially been foreshadowed since the third book that Mat will introduce some form of gunpowder weaponry into the world and it would be a bit strange for it to have no real influence on TG.


Aren't both Galad and Slayer(well the Luc part) both blood related to Rand?
I kind of always preferred the idea they one or both of them might die in the right place so that his blood is spilled.
How, when it wouldn't be his blood, but theirs that is being spilled?


The definition of blood can also mean

1)Descent from a common ancestor; parental lineage.

2)Family relationship; kinship.

3)National or racial ancestry.


Which would mean that as far as loopholes to the prophecy go, Galad being his brother meets both the 2nd and 3rd definitions, Slayer meets the 2nd definition as he's partially created from rand's uncle, The Aiel meet the 3rd definition as his fathers is an aielman, The Two Rivers folk or Andorans in general would be his closest national identity although as of now it might be a stretch as he's not really of any national identity anymore, and his children if born would meet definitions 1 and 2. Those are the major loopholes I see for killing or harming anyone else that would still count as his blood, although again there are other theories like the literal Rand will die, to die and rebirth, etc.


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