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Jean or Horn

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Handling recruits is typically Horn's place of residence and I don't know where he's at right now. As for me, I'm at work and the gym throughout the day and typically don't get on to my comp until everyone else has gone to bed. So, I'm doing the best I can, I promise!


As for the recruits, right now....I'll go ahead and give ya guys schedules and Horn can change however he wants to when he can I guess.


The reason it hadn't been done yet is we don't have the necessary RLO's from each Regiment at the moment. Also, if you check the Recruit Board (and you may have a message about it... I sent out announcements, but not sure yet how that works on these boards), we are also scrapping the current system in exchange for an improved version.


That really should have been stickied elsewhere than in the recruit boards that the recruit process has changed....


I'll make a link in the main board too. I made it an announcement, which looked like it was going to send PMs or something to the Band... or something. I'm still getting used to these (somewhat limiting) boards!


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