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The Cairhienin would never accept the Lord Captain Commander of the Whitecloaks as their king. Certainly not with the Whitecloaks disposed in their power base, and lacking a nation of their own. As much as declare Cairhein a whitcloak province. They would never do it.


I don't really see the Whitecloaks surviving into the next age. I'm pretty sure Galad will decide the "right thing" is to be in the thick of Tarmon Gai'don, and that the Children will pretty much be wiped out. If he survives, he should be free to assume the throne of Cairhien.


I'm not saying it will happen, I'm saying it could. And without the Whitecloaks, he would be a more popular choice than Elayne. As irritated as she is by him, I think she would back off for his claim. She would know that she had a trustworthy monarch on that border.

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Besides, Galad and the men with him are probably traitors in the eyes of the remaining Lord captains. I think of them more as former whitecloaks, now following Galad. The same happened with Gwayn and the Younglings, and Mat and the Band.

As to Rand supporting Elaynes claim, when he learns she will not be ready to claim the throne before TG, he will have to look for other candidates he can trust. He trust Dobraine, but his house aren`t strong enough to hold on to the throne when Rand is gone. Only a few houses are strong enough to do that, Damodred one of them. And Galad is Rands halfbrother, he will trust him.


If you listen to the Seanchan POV's you'll note that Galad has all the Whitecloaks except the Questioners with him.


I dont see the Cairheinin letting even an ex-lord captain commander be their kind. Beside i see Elayne being crowned, or at least taking charge of the Cairhienin before TG.


While I am not saying anything about it not actually happening, I see Elayne ruling Cairhein as the ultimate wuss-out for finding an independent ruled for an independent nation. ugh, Elayne has enough issues with Andor that she really doesn't need to try to hold on to another country. Blah.


While it is not likely, I still like the Moiraine/Thom combo for ruling or at least advising in Cairhein. Moiraine as a Damodred has about as much claim as Morgase's spawn. Each are deft in the Game of Houses which is so rampant in the nation. I don't see them as necessarily a long-term fix, but a segue to possibly Galad, or advisors to Galad. I realize Moiraine has denounced her claim, but she may feel as though it is where she can best serve after Tamon Gaidon. After TG it is as though her major task has been accomplished and while not all story lines will be completed, it would be nice to have her and Thom on some kind of purposeful path.


Not likely, or probable, just what I would like to see happen.


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