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Theory on Elaida and WT distrust

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I am currently re-reading the series in anticipation of ToM and I came across something interesting that made me think of Elaida and her decent into a paraniod tyrant. Reading Fain's POV gave me this idea.


LoC Chapter 28: Letters

Unlikely Niall would have ever supported al'Thor any more than Elaida would have, but it was best not to take too much for granted with Rand bloody al'Thor. Well, he had brushed them both with what he carried from Aridhol; they might possibly trust their own mothers, but never al'Thor now.


This got me thinking that the poison spread from Shadar Logoth could have infected the Tower witch resulted in the distrust in the later books, may have been said before, and i may be wrong, but there it is.




I can't quite remember the context of the excerpt you've put above, sorry, but personally I think Elaida's distrust of Rand wasnt so much because of any external factors, it was pure and simple that she was Red, and the Reds don't agree that male channellers should be left to run around having lives. Silviana says as much to Egwene after she raises her Keeper.


I don't know how much Elaida worked with the Dagger, or Padan Fain, but the fact that the dagger was in the tower for so long could definitely have had some effect on the tower.  Though I thought the box they used was supposed to protect from that?


That's what I put Elaida's change from strictness to power-madness down to, or at least as having accentuated it in the extreme. There's no reason not to take Fain's word that his ability influenced Elaida against Rand.

However, I feel it's unlikely it spread across the tower.


I thought Elaida was just plain crazy and paranoid.  She plays with miniature birds for crying out loud.  Any time she is in a stressful situation as Amyrlin, we see her stroking a small ivory bird or another figure.  I realize some cultures use stress rocks and other things, so I may be off on this, but I'm pretty sure she's just a little off. 


If she's not crazy, maybe she sees collusion in the tower, and rather than assume it's the Black Ajah, she assumes people are plotting against her.  Reading between the lines, she knew she was in power due to illegal acts, and was just as nervous of getting removed in much the same way she removed Siuan. So, she keeps those near her off guard by threatening them and brow-beating them into submission. 



I thought Elaida was just plain crazy and paranoid.  She plays with miniature birds for crying out loud.  Any time she is in a stressful situation as Amyrlin, we see her stroking a small ivory bird or another figure.  I realize some cultures use stress rocks and other things, so I may be off on this, but I'm pretty sure she's just a little off. 


If she's not crazy, maybe she sees collusion in the tower, and rather than assume it's the Black Ajah, she assumes people are plotting against her.  Reading between the lines, she knew she was in power due to illegal acts, and was just as nervous of getting removed in much the same way she removed Siuan. So, she keeps those near her off guard by threatening them and brow-beating them into submission. 



It's rather implied Elaida's craziness is a result of Fain's interference, I'm always surprised how many people miss this. Fain used his powers on her, and suddenly Egwene's commenting on how she's changed from strict to half-crazed with power. Some could be natural changes in character, but you'd be foolish to ignore Fain's hand


I thought Elaida was just plain crazy and paranoid.  She plays with miniature birds for crying out loud.  Any time she is in a stressful situation as Amyrlin, we see her stroking a small ivory bird or another figure.  I realize some cultures use stress rocks and other things, so I may be off on this, but I'm pretty sure she's just a little off. 


If she's not crazy, maybe she sees collusion in the tower, and rather than assume it's the Black Ajah, she assumes people are plotting against her.  Reading between the lines, she knew she was in power due to illegal acts, and was just as nervous of getting removed in much the same way she removed Siuan. So, she keeps those near her off guard by threatening them and brow-beating them into submission. 



It's rather implied Elaida's craziness is a result of Fain's interference, I'm always surprised how many people miss this. Fain used his powers on her, and suddenly Egwene's commenting on how she's changed from strict to half-crazed with power. Some could be natural changes in character, but you'd be foolish to ignore Fain's hand


thats the point i was trying to make, it does seem strange, since Elaida, while she could be called harsh at the start of the series, she deffinitely was not as crazed as she was in the later books, and i just thought that it fit in with everything, specially with this quote


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