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The fourth age


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What will it be?


Technological? Rand's schools, Aludra's cannons, Kin Tovere's stuff, steam engines, electric etc


Mythological? Wolves speaking to men, Sniffers, Min's visions etc


Another AoL? More one power users found now, men and women together again in the power, talents rediscovered...



A weird blend or none of the above?


I'm not sure. But I personally think that we're going to see the end of the OP (for now), and a dawn of an industrial or at least pre-industrial age.


I would imagine that it is a semi-technological age, with mythological elements, but without the one power being channeled.


The reason I say this is that RJ has said that the percentage of the population that can channel is decreasing. It has gone from 3% in the AOL to 1% now. (Those numbers are from the Week 15 question here http://www.wotmania.com/faqtopic.asp?ID=152 )With each new Age, some abilities come and some go, and channeling seems to be on the way out. It has to dissapear before "our" age returns. I think of the fourth age as perhaps the "Atlantis" type legendary culture that preceeds ours, giving us our legends.


I think it will be technology driven with the One Power and other super human activities thrown in the mix.


I know the number of channellers has been declining, but with Sadin cleansed and AS beginning to accept AM I immigane this will change.


Actually, RJ has said that as Ages turn, old abilities slowly dissapear and new ones appear. People like Min, and wolfbrothers/sisters will be more common in the next Age, but channelers are on the way out. By the time it works around to "our" Age again, channelers have to be gone.


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