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Kadere and Couladin


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In TSR chapter 37, Imre Stand, it is noted by Mat that Couladin and Kadere have a long discussion. Neither one leaves looking happy; Kadere glares at Couladin as he's leaving (though he does glare at everybody).


So, what do we think they were talking about? Could Couladin be a darkfriend? Did Asmodean/ Lanfear call for the Trolloc attack? If so, maybe Kadere was informing Couladin the attack would take place that night.



Potentially this could just be a lead-in to the whole Aiel darkfriends idea.


I'm not saying its the reason behind it, but is it in the chapter where i think Rhuarc or Aviendha explains the Shaido would prefer the peddler to stay at their camp? This could be the reason behind the discussion, although yeah the Darkfriend theory is still possible. Couladin just doesn't seem the type to be useful to the Shadow, despite his standing with the Shaido he's too unpredictable and opposed by other Aiel.


I'm not sure if it's in exactly the same chapter as that, but it's definitely around the same time. Your idea is definitely possible. Dunno why I didn't think of that  :P.

It's true; I don't think it's altogether a terribly important plot point if he is or isn't. It just caught my attention  :)


It was Asmodean/Jasin Natael who put the dragons on Couladin.  If Couladin wasn't a darkfriend he was at least being used by them.  It's possible that Jasin set Kadere to make the initial contact with Couladin before approaching him on his own, to test the waters as it were.  It was after this meeting that Jasin starts spending a lot of time with the Shaido.  Kadere certainly didn't like being ordered around by other darkfriends; which is what he thought Jasin was as he stated in his POV in tFoH.


It was Asmodean/Jasin Natael who put the dragons on Couladin.  If Couladin wasn't a darkfriend he was at least being used by them.


I'm not sure how I missed this - is there a place in the books you can reference for me?


In response to other posters, I don't think the Dark One particularly cares who becomes a Darkfriend, the more the merrier, and whenever an opportunity to use one arises, they are used. Couladin can advance the DO's plan as an agent of chaos or foiler of plots every bit as much as he could for a more positive role... it is because of him that the Aiel are split rather than united for the most part behind Rand.



It was Asmodean/Jasin Natael who put the dragons on Couladin.  If Couladin wasn't a darkfriend he was at least being used by them.


I'm not sure how I missed this - is there a place in the books you can reference for me?


Lanfear says as much in TSR "A Breaking in the Three-fold Land".  Also, in tfoh "The Craft of Kin Tovere", Rand states that Asmodean admitted to the markings on Couladin's arms. 


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