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Aiel beliefs on death


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I've been trying to figure out how RJ plans on finishing the series in one more book. (most of my supposition being "not bloody likely") Here's one that, while I don't think likely, is a possibility.


Aiel have the belief that at death they actually wake from "the dream", not a dream, the dream. It has been stated numerous times through out the books. Other than the Sheinarians in TEOTW, the books haven't really discussed beliefs on death for any other peoples. Also we don't know what exactly LTT did in creating Dragonmount, other than drawing an enormous amount of power to do it.


Is it possible that what we have been witnessing is actually a alternate reality of some sort created by LTT, encapsulating the AOL in a warped reality and that reality is all going on in LTT's mind? His voice in Rand's head could be because of LTT's direct influence from outside this reality. Perhaps @ TG with the defeat of the shadow, LTT will release the reality and the world will be restored.


Personally, I really hope that I'm as far off base as I think I am. It would really suck to have a Wizard of Oz ending to this whole thing. But that statement about "the Dream" has always intrigued me...


that is a very interesting idea. i think it is a cop out though. RJ says that WoT is a real world when he is writing so i think that he would have a better ending than that. i think it is more likely that several major plot threads will remain unresolved. that would piss me off. the only way for your idea to work would involve an insanely complex weave that probably wouldn't make any sense. that would be lame.

I think waking from the dream is finding out that the early Aiel followed the way of the leaf...now thats a dream only the leaders get to wake from.......SO FAR


Just my thought


But if that were the case, before the end of TSR when Rand told the Aiel about their past beliefs, only the clan cheifs and Wise Ones would believe in the dream. It wouldn't make sense to the others.


i think "wake" means transition to a new life, so the death is just a little part of your whole existence. The wiseones and the clan chiefs know the real past of their people, the aiel, and they still believe in the dream the life is.

And if everything is a dream of LTT, who can denies it?, I also can believe my existence is a dream, and nobody can give me any reason to not believe it

  • 2 weeks later...

Waking from the dream is the same thing as a Christian saying that this life is only a prologue to your everlasting life. One of many ways to make everyone in the society have as close to a regular life in a dangerous death ridden desert as possible.


if everybody is reborn over and over again, then it's perfectly reasonable to consider each life a dream. I personally always thought that waking from "the" dream simply meant waking from the dream of that particular life (each life is its own dream and there are no others at that moment).


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