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Welcome to the Band, Bela_theDO!

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Hi1 *waves* I'm Jeannaisais, well Jea as most will call me. I'm the Under-Commander of the Band, the second in command if you will, and I'll be awarding you your points. Corki will be along shortly to give you the Official Spiel and Horn should send a PM at some point to get you started on the Raw Recruit Scheme (which is explained in the Spiel).


Until you are inundated with information however, please sit back, relax, join in the fun, and have a brownie or two with a brew tea on me ;) *hands the newbie some of her extra special chocolate fudge brownies and a brew tea*

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Welcome to the Band - great choice!


I have asked you to be added to our usergroup, so shortly you should be able to see a whole plethora of new boards! There is also an email waiting for you in your inbox.


As Jea said, sot back and relax! :)

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And don't worry about Jea and myself discussing grammar, syntax and the like. The Under-Commander My secretary is really nit-picky!  ;D


I am very nit-picky! Just only to those who I know can do better!

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Hey there Bela, hope everything is finding you well. I'll be seeing you in your week with the cavalry . Sit back and relax, drink some bandy, cavalry's drink, and enjoy yourself. The spiel is coming and you need to sinch everything tight, and yes, before you ask, this also includes denchers and other items you may have.


So stern Jea, you're turning Bela's welcome thread into Engelish class.

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At least you didn't use "u," that really drives me crazy!


Tharen, I only turn the necessary threads into English classrooms, which, I'll admit, is a majority of threads, but not all!



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