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Star Wars: The Animated Sitcom?


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Wow, this will be interesting to see how this will play out...


Lucasfilm Animation is developing an all-new animated "Star Wars" series with a "playful and irreverent tone" that plans to look at the more "comedic aspects" of the "Star Wars" universe according to a press release from Lucasfilm.


"Robot Chicken" creators Seth Green and Matthew Senreich along with "The Daily Show" writer Brendan Hay will be creatively involved in the project which Jennifer Hill ("The Backyardigans") will produce and Todd Grimes ("Back at the Barnyard") will direct.


Cartoon Network currently airs the kiddie-aimed CG-animated action series spin-off "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". No word on which network would air this newest incarnation.

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Lucasfilm Animation is developing a Star Wars animated comedy TV series with Robot Chicken creators Seth Green and Matthew Senreich.  In his 90-minute review of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, I think Mike Stolkasa did a good job of explaining that George Lucas isn’t an artist but a businessman and he sees his job as expanding the Star Wars brand as far as it will go.  He’s had a gigantic hit with the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated TV series, so it’s not surprising he would move ahead with a Star Wars television show geared towards making fun of the property.  Outrage among fans about treating the franchise so cheaply has obviously fallen on deaf ears.


You can read a statement from Green after the jump [via The Live Feed], but I think he fails to understand that it’s better when fans lovingly poke fun at the Star Wars universe rather than the behemoth of Lucasfilm trying to lampoon that universe.  Fans already do a good job of creating humor Star Wars so why does Lucasfilm feel the need to do it themselves?  Because there’s always more money the company could make.



Here’s what Seth Green had to say about the TV series:


“The ‘Star Wars’ universe is so dense and rich; it’s crazy to think that there aren’t normal, mundane everyday problems in a world so well-defined. And it’s even crazier to think of what those problems might be, since it’s all set in a galaxy far, far away. What do these characters do when they’re not overthrowing Empires?”


No word if the series will be done in the stop-motion style of Robot Chicken.  Click here to see what Green and Senreich have done with Star Wars in the past.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little blurb.


Meanwhile Best of Luck has hinted that the upcoming CG animated sitcom set in the 'Wars' universe that Seth Green and Matthew Seinreich are developing will be set in a post-"Return of the Jedi" time period.


I wonder if it will include Jacen and Jaina Solo

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  • 3 months later...

I'm not sure if this is the same show, because this news piece is talking about a live-action tv show, but at least it's similar.





George Lucas himself has revealed that his live-action TV series set in the "Star Wars" universe has essentially ground to a halt.


According to CBM, the filmmaker revealed at a recent screening that "the live action TV show is kind of on hold because we have scripts, but we don't know how to do them."


Despite various sci-fi franchises from "Star Wars" to "Battlestar Galactica" doing small screen sci-fi on a budget, the economics of doing a TV series seem to be the big sticking point for Lucas.


"They literally are Star Wars, only we're going to have to try to do them at a tenth the cost. And it's a huge challenge, a lot bigger than what we thought it was gonna be" he adds.

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