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That includes references to resolutions of states of where the characters are at. We will let you know when the spoiler policy is suspended--it will coincide with the consolidation of the Spoiler Board and the General Wheel board.

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If it confirms something dealt with in tGS, or relates to things from previous books bought up and resolved in tGS, yes.


*wonders where the mod hat come from and takes it off*


I like how Brandon related it to real life, and included references to the sub-prime mortgage market and global financial collapse through tGS. That scene with Elayne and Norry talking about ways to bolster the resurgent Andoran economy was un-put-downable.


Future bond derivatives. Crazy!

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That scene with Elayne and Norry talking about ways to bolster the resurgent Andoran economy was un-put-downable


Yeah that bit was awesome! I also liked the bit where Rand got a shoe thrown at him in a seminar, and he says "At least it wasnt a size 13." That was George Bush Lews Therin talking for sure.


got an edit and warning for telling people that LTT's voice spoke in Rand's head in TGS....


Whoops, there I go again....


At least you didnt tell them theres confirmation that Taim is Demandred.

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I just couldn't believe Rand would undergo a sex-change operation in order to gain access to saidar.  THAT is commitment to the cause!  It was hilarious that Egwene was so confused as to whether this meant that he was no longer a typical male bull-goose fool or not!

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I didn't even know us aussies had a penchant for sheep?


Aussies claim its New Zealanders, but come on.. they're the same thing.


I thought it was the Welsh that have a thing for sheep!  ;D


Where do you think the english got the people to populate the islands?

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I didn't even know us aussies had a penchant for sheep?


Aussies claim its New Zealanders, but come on.. they're the same thing.


I thought it was the Welsh that have a thing for sheep!  ;D


Where do you think the english got the people to populate the islands?


Yorkshire? I do NOT have any Yorkshire blood in me. At ALL.

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