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*~St. Patrick's Day Dance~*


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Ha, I would rather dance like the Mad Hatter from the new Alice In Wonderland, but I won't link it, cause a lot of people haven't seen it yet. :P


*begins to dance like the Madhatter*

Sorry...this is a one-person dance. :P


*Gets up and takes Adella by the waist and spins her around*

Let's dance love.


EDIT: Pssh...I suck at searching.


*twirls Adella in blissful ignorance of the world around him, only feeling her through the bond*

*dips Adella and gives her a kiss*




Hello! I have arrived. Invited by Wolfie.


*prances around* Who's got the beer? WHOOOO'S GOTTT THEEE BEEEEEER!?!?!?


Eddie love, you are far too good at this *blushes*


Boopsy, there is beer, I hope you like Guinness in honer of the Irish



Oh? Aren't men supposed to lead?? Or maybe I was doing this all wrong..


Adella all of a sudden shifts her dancing pose into something more aggressive. Suddenly, Ed feels as though he had lost all advantage he thought he had won through his dance moves.

HE was the one being swept gracefully across the dance floor, and the only thing that kept him from ruining the whole dance was that his dance partner was so skilled that she caught his every mistake and wove it into their dance.


Finally the song ends and Adella steps away from Ed slightly, letting him slouch and clutch his chest, trying to get the air back into his lungs and his head down from the clouds.




*Adella* says:

lol, i would treat

i'm not THAT old fashoned

Look, I didn't even fix your typos! :D



*glad she finally took some initiative, Eddie was fumbling..trying to understand what overcame her*

*after, he was so in shock still, he couldn't breath...but oh, he was happy*





I thought you were having fun being in charge love, I'm sorry, I would have taken over sooner if I had realized my mistake ;)


*feels the shock and overwhelming happiness come through the bond and gives Eddie a light peck on the cheek* Love, you are amazing, but I am a dancer. I told you, I could dance circles around you.. But why take the fun out of everything?! :-* :D


*Wanders in eyeing everyone sideways.* The Black Tower?!?!!  :o


*Glances around and spots Wolfie.*

Did I see some pinching going on earlier? *Snickers and eyes the distance between her and Ed.*

Hmmmmm... used to like snickers but then Mars became my favourite. Right now... ehm... I just eat chocolate bars... the big ones. *Blinks and wonders for a moment why everyone is staring at him.*


*Reminds himself to breathe and finally relaxes.* What you all looking at? A man deserves to get paid when people stare at him like that!  :D



Seeing Loran enter, Adella leaves Ed for a moment to go greet him, like a good hostess.


Welcome to the Black Tower Loran! We are full of all sorts of fun here (as you should know) and we love to dance. Feel free to snack on whatever suits your fancy, and let me know if you need something that I haven't supplied.


At that, Adella assumes Ed must have had enough rest by now, so she quickly grabs his hand and pulls him into another dance, this one faster and a bit more.. Fun.. She pulls him into the proper moves and enjoys herself as his eyes pop almost out of his head.. Apparently not everyone can move like that. ;)


Eddie was relaxing, waiting for her to come back from her duties. When she did come back, she began to twirl him really fast, and he was trying so hard not to laugh. She must have been ignoring the bond, and mistook his face for surprise, so when they ended the dance, he fell to the floor holding his stomach.

Oh, you're too good.


Finally feeling the humor, Adella can't help but chuckle and help Ed to his feet after his fit of giggles. ::)


If you're not done, I can always find someone else to dance with.. *makes a move to walk away*


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