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A question of pigeons


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In tFoH at the end of Ch 10 it says:

     When he held it up to the afternoon night, he could make it out what she had written. Soon a third pigeon was on its way, heading in still another direction


Now the context of this quote is after Elayne and Nynaeve are almost captured by Macura and she sends a letter to the WT (post breaking) and the guy who tends the pigeons goes and sends another message. . . whom do you think he sent it too and why?



also as a second point: Therin Lugay, do we see him later in the books? he is mentioned heading to Altara or Murandy

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I don't think the scene was for nothing. It was just another nod towards there being deep undercurrents in the series. Even the pigeon master was the eyes and ears of somebody.


He could be reporting to the Amyrlin.

He could be reporting to somebody who knows the yellow Ajah's eyes and ears.

He could be reporting to a local lord.

He could be reporting to an upper darkfriend.

He could be sending a love letter to his mom.


But I think that was the whole point of that and we won't see anything come of it. There are things going on, more than one side. Everybody's watching everybody. It gave a sense of depth to it. We were focused on the Macura woman that whole chapter and then suddenly we see there's more to this story than just her. There was somebody else spying for still another person.

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With the pigeon heading west that would seem to indicate it was heading towards Tanchico.  Perhaps he was an agent of the Seanchan?

Given that Ronde Macura gives the secret of forkroot tea to the Seanchan shortly after this, that's clearly the conclusion we're meant to come to.

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With the pigeon heading west that would seem to indicate it was heading towards Tanchico.  Perhaps he was an agent of the Seanchan?

Given that Ronde Macura gives the secret of forkroot tea to the Seanchan shortly after this, that's clearly the conclusion we're meant to come to.

I thoguht the seanchan knew about forkroot long before they came to randland. They say something like its hard to find proper amounts of it in this land or some such when perrin is planning to rescue faile

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Forkroot is a new thing to them. They're growing it now and finding a lot of marath'damane as a result. The Seanchan officer with Perrin mentioned something about its use on the front so that their own damane no longer have to be tied up with detecting wild ones anymore.


It's why they had to have a written order from the leader of the Return herself in order to obtain any of it for their plan.

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