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Valentine's Exchanges


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HAPPY LOVE MONTH! *showers thread in heart shaped confetti*



We have two Exchanges that are our norms for this month, so drop on in and tell me whatcha wanna play with this month! If you want to do them both, just tell me! If you want to do one or the other, tell me that, too! :D Heck, if you want to tell me you love me today, I could use that and wouldn't mind THAT post, either! :D  I'm open for whatever, trust me!



So, our exchanges are:


Secret Cupid: A Valentine themed exchange that is typical of our monthly themed exchanges. You get a name from the folks who sign up, you send them heart shaped bits 'o love and everyone grins when the postman comes!


Valentine Card Exchange: This is an exchange I look forward to a lot! You remember those little Valetine cards you got in Elementary School on Valentine's Day? Well, we're bringing those back! For this exchange, I'll send you a list of names and addresses and you just drop one of those neat, cheap little cards in the mail to those people! Simple as that! I'd like to share a lot of love this year, so everyone will send cards to everyone on this list! Just like we used to do!



So, I'm in for both! Who's with me?

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Awesome! I think I'll leave signups open until Monday or so for the exchange and perhaps a bit longer for the cards. If you see someone signing up for the Card exchange, you can go ahead and drop theirs in the mail! We're doing EVERYONE this trip!




<.<    >.> 



That sounded naughty, didn't it?

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OK, so it's just the three of us, huh? *Smirks*


's ok! We'll just have all the fun!



If anyone else wants to get in on the Card Exchange, just post in here and make sure your mailing address is up to date on the address list! As long as you're ok with them being a little late, I think we can handle them all the way through Friday! :D

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ok, so I didn't send out PM's even though I swore I did! *sighs* Sorry, ya'll, this being sick crap is for the birds! I'm sending 'em now, though, which means stuff will be late, but... you can always hit up the after v-day sale and fill the box more! LOL  Have fun! :D

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>.<  You know you're tired when you go to reply to a post and instead somehow hit "modify." ???


I don't know either. :D


Anyway...  I am mailing all my stuff off tomorrow, because I don't have to work tomorrow. :D  I've been crazy busy all weekend and the past couple of days.

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I got my card from Torrie today, too! *grins and hugs*


I also got my v-day present from my husband, but I'll gush about that in the joy thread! Yay for having something to post there! *grins*

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I'm glad I'm not the only one.  Wednesday was my day off and I made arrangements to go to the store and then to the post office, but then somehow my mom misunderstood me or something and missed the fact that I needed to go to the store, so she waited till the last second to take me to the post office, so I didn't have anything to mail and couldn't go.


Then she wasn't even able to take me to the store, so she and my brother were discussing if he could take me later on, but I was supposed to meet a friend at the library sometime in the afternoon, and I was going to miss her if I waited too long...


So my DAD said he'd take me, only he took so long getting ready that I just gave up and walked to the library to meet my friend, and she was only there for another half an hour so I would've missed her if I'd waited for my dad.  Then I didn't end up getting to go to the store because my dad had church activities, and I asked my brother to do it later that night and he said okay, but then he put it off and put it off until it was too late.


So I haven't even made it to the store yet, might make it tonight after work or tomorrow morning before work, but it won't make it to the post office till tomorrow at the soonest. *sighs* Grrr.




And Torrie, I got the card from you the same day as everyone else but my mom didn't give it to me till later! :D  I liked it, though. :D

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