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Elayna a princess or an heir to the throne?

Marta Sedai

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Morgase is the Queen of Andor, but her daughter is never called princess, but an heiress to the throne. How would they call Elayna's sister if she had one? A twin sister... Who would be the heiress in that case? The older one? What do u think?


Her name is spelled Elayne.


The sister I take would become the 'daughter-heir' when the current 'daughter-heir' becomes Queen (until a daughter is born).  I take the sister would not have a title before then.


Twin daughters, the older one I take would be daughter-heir; though telling them apart would be difficult (if they are Identical).



There are some changes about these things in Winter's Heart (Prologue & Chapter 12) and in Knife of Dreams (Chapter 35).



Elayne comments to herself, was it in CoT or Kod, when speaking to a maid somewhere in Andor who does not know how to behave with such a high personage, that the title Princess is considered very old-fashioned, but would be preferable to whatever it is she uses.


Spelling is not that important...


The sister I take would become the 'daughter-heir' when the current 'daughter-heir' becomes Queen (until a daughter is born).  I take the sister would not have a title before then.


It would probably be 'sister-heir' instead... Corresponding to 'Queen-Mum'.


Not that it really matters, Andoran queendom is not pass-throughable in the direct per se.


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