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Dear Diary,

Today, in Fiddles, I wondered onto this crazy thread where they have a Pillow. He is made of win, and awesome. I wish I could be more like him.


Weird, I know...but you wrote it.



ROFL!!! Nope! Nice try. The last time i wrote in my "diary" was last month.

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Ok you all have to do this! It is very fun! Go to urbandictionary.com,type in your first name in the search, see what it comes up with. I love what it came up with for me let me show you.


She's the most beautiful girl you will ever see. Every feature that she posseses is engraved in your mind from the second you lay eyes on her. (insert name here) is not limited to just physical features, her personality is equally as beautiful.


*twirls in her pretty dress* It is great to see what they come up with.

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I like #2 the best. :D


I did this like...today...or yesterday...or w/e....





Someone (usually a guy) that is so utterly fantastic and so close to perfection, inside and out, that he can be compared to no one else besides the fabulous Edward Cullen from Twilight.

Look at that boy, he's so Edward! Get a look at those cheekbones, and those eyes!




buy edward mugs, tshirts and magnets

A name, not relating to the book "twilight". Most Edwards are ashamed to be associated with such an embarrassment of a book. Every time a girl meets an edward, some instinct in their deranged little fan-girl heads causes them to blurt out "OMG EDWARD LYKE EDWARD CULLEN OMGOMGOMGOMG<3333333333 ARE YOU A VAMPIRE?!"

f*** twilight. f*** edward cullen. way to ruin a name, stephanie meyers.




A male English given name meaning "blessed guard". Contracted forms include: Ed, Eddie {I took out all unacceptable versions of my name}


Notably the given name of the character Edward Cullen in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series of books.

Hey, have you met Edward yet?


OMG! You mean Edward from Twilight? He's here?!


...No, Ed from our new biology class.

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I kinda wanna punch whoever wrote that in the throat.. Why does every one of those need to have a reference to Edward Cullen?!


Go to google.com, type in Edward Cullen and see what suggestion pop up.. Like "Edward Cullen is an abusive boyfriend" BAHAHAHAHA!

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