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Yes!  She's making me rewrite my freaking persuassive letter the a congresswoman. 


I mean, at first she was telling me that she had already given it back to me.  Then, after I told her she hadn't, she tried to tell me that she had NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE.


I was so pissed.

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Oh noes! *huggles* My Algebra teacher in 8th grade swore up an down that I hadn't turned in some assignment, and I refused to do it again. She called my parents and gave me a zero. Then she found it. LOL. She was an evil woman.


Did you not type the paper?

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*huggles back* I typed it on a computer at the school library (since I figured I wouldn't need to write it again :P) and then was really stupid and didn't save it to a flash drive.


I friggin' HATE this teacher.  She's awful.

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*looks to the bright side* At least school's almost over and hopefully you'll never see her again? :D :D


It'll be fine once you get writing though, generally it's easy to remember something, or the general flow of it, once you begin rewriting. *from experience*

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*shudders* Yes; oh how do I know it. My last laptop had a virus, and I lost all the files on it, including a giant programming project I had been working on. A few months later, I had to recreate the project... easier, but not a whole lot of fun.

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