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The Church


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*Quietly walks in and notices everyone is asleep. Laughs quietly*


*Walking over to Limi's room he opens a gateway and carefully using Saidin places flowers in her room*






*Carefully places a few sunflowers on top*


width=360 height=480http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1374/1426542652_9305e44bc1.jpg[/img]



*Looks around and makes sure everything is how he left it, before going to his room packing up and going back to the garden leaving a note thanking Talmanes for the wonderful accommodations and hospitality however he now has time to stop by more often and his garden is home*




[i'm home! Easter occurs on the first sunday past the first full moon aster the spring equinox. It happens right around the pagan holiday for renewal like Anox said. Christians celebrate the rebirth of Christ, being born again, the forgiveness of sins, a new beginning. It ties directly in with the old holiday. Christmas and Easter were 'adjusted' to be around winter solstice and the spring equinox. You can take either Anox or Talmanes outlook on it, either way they were trying to include the pagans.]

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