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A Use for the Green!


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Aha! I have finally discovered a use for the Green Ajah. I believe it is the only real way they can live up to their name 'The Battle Ajah.' Prior to the Last Battle, each Green should bond as many Warders as possible, I'm thinking 10 or more. Then, as they face the shadowspawn at the Blight, each Green shall put herself in as much danger as possible (I know it's not really necessary for fighting against shadowspawn, but just hear this out), with her Warders with her. Then, the Greens should start channeling, bursting the trollocs asunder, as I'm sure they have thought about. However, here is where they do the most damage...


Kamikaze tactic! The Greens should run in channeling, until each one is killed. Then their many, many, many infuriated Warders can take up the fighting, enraged and killing shadowspawn left and right in their madness. In my opinion, the Warders will do much more damage (especially in kamikaze mode) than their Greens ever could.


In the end, the Greens would kill 2 birds with one stone. First, they would destroy the blight, and second, no more Green Ajah! Woot!


P.S. I'm mostly joking, I don't actually hate the Green Ajah that much, no matter how much they bug me... Although it would be a good backup idea for each Aes Sedai to bond lots of Warders prior to LB, for many reasons including the Kamikaze tactic.


I think the Green are going to become a significantly more potent force considering Egewene feels as though at heart she is Green.  I think all Aes Sedai will benefit from having her as the Amyrlin considering how open she is going to be about learning battle weaves (at least I hope so)


The flaw with the kamikaze tactit is that Warders don't always survive the death of their Aes Sedai. As in in, sometimes warders drop dead from the shock of the death of the Aes Sedai. That means, bonding warders with the intention of getting them all furious and blood-thirsty might not be the best way to utilize those men.


Since Warders gain something from the bond, shouldn't the Aes Sedai bond as many people as possible?  Even "untrained" people?


Thus, everyone who could carry even a pitchfork against the Shadow would gain these "bonus" traits?


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