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Kid arrested for WoW Crime...


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Clearwater's Christopher H. Bouffard is in some trouble. The authorities allege the 23 year-old committed fraud by selling World of Warcraft characters online, and then not delivering the promised Night Elves and/or gnomes.He's being charged with scheming to defraud and two counts of grand theft.


Cops say Bouffard accepted around $800 from a couple of people for characters, then never delivered them to their intended recipients.  Bouffard was being held on $20,000 bail, which proves that crime doesn't pay, even when the crime is something incredibly stupid.


I'm not sure what the maximum punishment would be, but I gotta imagine grand theft holds the possibility of jail time, and prison has to be very difficult on a guy who's nerdy enough to sell a Warcraft character, yet slimy enough to default on the sale. Can you imagine the conversation in the yard?


Bouffard: What are you in for?


Spike: Murder one... but he had it coming. What about you?


Bouffard: Selling a World of Warcraft character. It was a totally sweet lvl 70 Warrior; protection specced.


Spike: You didn't go for Fury? We're going to have some fun in the showers, punk.





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