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Let the SUN shine!!! - Manual for dummies!


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Hello new comers, old comers and creepy old comers pretending to be new comers who really have been lurking around for YEARS! ;D  I welcome you all to Dragonmount as whole, and specifically the Children of the Light RP Group, in the RP side of Dragonmount called the PSW (Portal Stone World). The Role play related boards are at the bottom half of the list of boards. Headlines are sort of a dead give away >.>  


The Children of the Light RP Group, as other RP Groups, has both an OOC (out of character) RP board for chatter between role players, light discussion and role play planning (this VERY board). In addition, we have the Fortress of Light board where most of our role playing takes place. That can be found here.



Now lets get down to business! There are many ways to role play a CotL (Child of the Light). It's very versatile. When you look at a certain WoT society, you can usually distinguish some pretty concise points of similarity. Be it red hair and green eyes, stapled together with an enormous sense of honor (=Aiel), or yellow eyes that are accompanied by an affinity towards wolves (from the non kinky variety ;) =Wolfkin). Yes, the CotL do share a very basic set of morals. And a terrible fashion sense. But beyond that, they widely differ, be it nationality wise, beliefs, compassion vs. cruelty, open vs. closed minded, and hey, even sexual preferences :P


Lets start off with saying that not all CotL are about "Run pussycat, kill kill!". Some can be very diplomatic, or very close minded (the sort that would spaz out about a raven flying by, which of course means the end of the world as we know it). Personally, I quite like the crazy fanatic persona that would interpret an infestation of rodents as a devious plan to end the CotL by consuming all their left boots. Quite chaotic if you think about it.


Now, I always say that illustration is KEY! (actually, this is the first time I've said it. But I'll be sure to repeat it to make this statement accurate >.>). Since I can't draw for the life of me, stick figures will have to do.


Get ready to be swept off your feet! No no, we're not going to have you hanged. You're not evil after all, are ya? ^_^ Are ya? O_O  *eyes suspiciously*




Things you should know about the CotL!





It is very important to make this distinction!!! Also, green kryptonite does not kill CotL, so don't even try it :P





This CotL is not confused. Don't ask him if he is. He won't think it's funny. I just know.





This is Roudal. If you make a CotL, you'll get to meet him. He is not very nice. Mostly due to  his wife making his life a living hell (Don't they all?).





This is Emanuella. She is very nice. She assigns CotL rooms. No, she doesn't offer any room service, deliveries or laundry. So don't be smart.





This is Evelyn. She will make your life a living hell without the need to marry you first.





This is the Ezekiel. A Questioner. He might ask questions. There could be torture >.>





This is Pamela Anderson. She's here for promotional purposes. ^_^





This is the Fortress of Light. Come visit us! Litter and die  ;D





This is Owen, An ex-PSW admin. He has fake dangley dreadlocks. He's clearly evil.





This is Tay. She's the RP admin. She's also my Souvra, so I can't verbally make fun of her.  >.>




CotL RP Leader

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I will be sure to update this thread with more information that I think will be useful for you if you ever choose to actively take part in the Role Play community in Dragonmount. Some of this information applies for other RP Groups as well, but I of course will be focusing on the CotL ;) (Taymist is also the Wolfkin division Leader, for instance... personally, I thought the tail was a dead give away :P).


Feel free to ask any questions that might surface. Anything from basic things about role playing to specific things about the RP Group. I will gladly answer. If you rather do it privately, you're more than welcome to send me a personal message here on the boards ;)


More to come soon!!





May the light shine on your cranial side :P

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The Tier System

From here on, the ranks of the Children of the Light will be divided into four tiers. The tiers are as follows:


First Tier (inexperienced)


2nd Squadman



Second Tier (soldiers)

2nd Bannerman




Third Tier (officers)

2nd lieutenant

1st Lieutenant



Fourth Tier (elite)

Lord Captain

Head Inquisitor



More details are offered on the stickies on this board  =)



I will be posting soon with some highlights to bio writing. A necessity of life in the RP realm. ;)





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And it's that time, right now! Woo. I will start with biography related things. I will later on expand more about the different groups you can find in the CotL. But lets take it one step at a time. I don't want to dump a huge load of information on you and leave you gaping. Granted, it'll be funny, but not very effective ;)


Now lets talk about a character's life. How does it start, for instance, is an important topic to touch. And no, it doesn't start with its birth, dumbass. It starts with writing a biography. I won't bore you with the details of what I expect to see in a bio, because it is all carefully detailed here.


I would however like to highlight some of the more basic guidelines, that perhaps are not so trivial to new arrivals. Lets start! ^_^


Bob is not a Wheel of Time (WoT) based name. Bob Al'Thor is still not a WoT name. We don't like Bob, in fact. We're CotL after all! We can despise people for no substantial reason! It is our birth given right. So, just show a bit of judgment when you pick out a name for your new character.


Moving on to appearance. Also an important part of your character (We've all been hit by the shallow stick to some extent). Now, while I agree that missing an arm or two, having purple hair, red eyes and a cyclops cousin would give you an interesting range of stories for cocktail hour, in the CotL it'll probably get you... *ponders*... beat up, maimed, tortured and hanged. And not necessarily in that order. Besides, you don't require a unique physique to make your character special. You achieve that by the way you role play your character and the way you choose to shape him/her. I'm not saying it won't necessarily be approved, I'm just saying it likely won't, without a good reason.


Another note about appearance: Good looks. There is no restriction on that, of course. You could make your character look like Pamela Anderson or Martha Stewart and I wouldn't even blink (unless of course I'm in the middle of my day to day blinking, in which case, this statement doesn't apply :P). Beauty is often in flaw. Same goes for a character's traits. Perfect characters are boring. There is nothing to improve on, nothing to develop, and lets face it, they are bloody annoying *grins*


The history of your character. We all have one. To write one for a character is not that easy, though. Good background stories just don't come easy these days. Most of the things have already been done, yes, but that doesn't mean you can't give it your own personal touch. FYI, if I get a bio of a character joining the CotL because his/her parents got eaten up by Trollocs, I'm going to find that Trolloc and I'm going to feed your character to it (Just kidding ^_^ hehe... or am I? O_O). But on a more serious note (not that serious, I might hurt something), all it takes is a tad of imagination. I've also found that discussing it with someone else can help. Same goes for actual RP planning.


To sum up, biography writing is not complex. It is basically the hard earned 20$ you slip a club's bouncer to get into the Randland realm as soon as possible. Otherwise you're just left outside with the rest of the losers *grins* So it is very important to put that initial effort into writing the bio to give your character a good jumping point. And remember, the bio is ONLY the beginning.



P.S: The REAL sum up is that you can totally bribe me with cold hard cash ;)







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Wheel of Time Information


Random facts you might not have known about the Children of the Light:


1. No woman who has ever trained at the Tower is legally allowed in Amadicia, the law requires that such women be turned in to the army and/or the Children of the Light (V: 222, VI: 49)


Thoughts and comments: That's right. Suck on that, witches :P


2. The king's men and the Children of the Light don't get along very well.  the nobles participate in falconry hunts. (VI: 189)


Thoughts and comments: They're clearly evil.


3. The Children of the Light hold no writ in Caemlyn. (I: 523; Ia: 624)


Thoughts and comments: *evil grin* Yet.


4. People in Baerlon don't like the Children of the Light, though most don't let them know (I: 157; Ia: 187).


Thoughts and comments: I guess we know now :P


5. When the Children of the Light ask questions they expect answers (I: 189; Ia: 225)


Thoughts and comments: Well, duh :P


6. Children of the Light feel there is no Black Ajah, as ALL Aes Sedai are darkfriends. (VI: 187)


Thoughts and comments: *laughs* So true


7. Children of the Light construct scaffolds so they can hang darkfriends in bunches. (VI: 441)


Thoughts and comments: At least we're practical  ^_^


8. The Children of the Light are trained to fight in a military style, so they aren't very accustomed to guerrilla tactics. (IV: 541)


Thoughts and comments: They're not fans of gorillas either.


9. The Children of the Light use horns as signals and to give orders. (IV: 546)


Thoughts and comments: Among other things... *coughs*


10. Repent, renounce the Dark One, come to the Light, confess your sins (Children of the Light) (I: 380; Ia: 454)


Thoughts and comments: Oh, you're still going to die, though. Sorry! ;D


11. It doesn't take much to make a Whitecloak suspicious (I: 470; Ia: 560)


Thoughts and comments: *eyes suspiciously*


12. The Children of the Light pay lipservice to the King of Amadicia. (III: 22)


Thoughts and comments: *waggles eyebrows* ;)


13. Members of the Children of the Light can have children. (III: 30)


Thoughts and comments: Yeah, we're fertile little bastards *grins*





*All information was taken from the Wheel of Time Concordance site

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Oh  lol    Yes, I'm familiar with the song itself. Didn't know it was from Hair. The context just worked for me to use it as a title. Not a huge fan of the song itself. It's cute, though.  >.>


You saw it in Broadway, though?  Fancy!





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  • 2 weeks later...

From the mists of time, I have recovered this relic (circa Sept. 2000!) by Justen Diablos about why the CoTL is better than SG.



3 Reasons:


Why limit me to three? MUAHAHAHA, I will give you as many good reasons as I can, until I have completely drained all of my humor, then add a few more unfunny ones, just to keep my obnoxious rep up you understand. ;)


1. The CoL, having to remain chaste in front of the nonbeliever, sometimes gets stressed in the course of a working day, resulting from this, there are often huge parties held until the wee hours of the morning inside the Dome of Truth and away from the public eye. I could get into all sorts of stuff about questioner girls with whips and chains but I'm gonna let your mind roll on it's own from here. *eg*


2. Bertha, our culinary expert, truly loves us all, and cooks us all manner of neato things, and I'm sure she'll whip you up whatever your heart desires. She is a master chef, and an all around gnifty lady. Now I'm not saying them darkfriends don't eat well on occasion, but them ritual sacrifices and dinners can be an experience to take you bowing before that porcelin god for hours at a stretch. If you know what I'm saying, and if you don't I could go into all the nasty extra rare stuff they eat and it's results on your stomach and intestinal track , just let me know. :)


3. The people, I mean sure eyeless people and giant goat snouted fellows are kinda fun to get to know at first, but after a while that raspy voice gets on your nerves, and pretty soon you realize they don't really know much conversation.


"Yeah yeah so you don't have eyes and you ride shadows, what do you want a cookie? Tell me a story fade, and get something for that throat problem for god sakes, a cough drop at the least."


Then there's the darkfriends, who are interesting, but pretty soon you're not hearing anything they're saying because you're too damn busy watching thier eyes shift back and forth wondering what the hell could be that damn interesting that's apparantly happening all around you. And don't even get me started on the Forsaken, Sure they've led interesting lives, but they're just such elitist snobs. I mean


"I'm a Chosen, I'll rule the world someday, cower before me worm."


C'mon, some serious people skills are in order over there.


Finally there is Lanfear *thinks* and well if you join SG because of Lanfear I'll understand, and even support your decision. You kow what I'm saying dog? *wink wink, nudge nudge*


Now you talk about the CoL, we're a military organization, think of all the people you know, aren't the ones with really cool war stories the most interesting, we travel around the world (and by the way we don't force new members to watch slideshows, well that one but who wouldn't want to see pictures of my childhood? I was a handsome lad, oh and all the stuff I did get into, hmmmm, but I digress, and shall return to outside of the paranthesis, nothing to see here, move along) where was I? oh yes, we travel around the world, and some of the older guys have seen it all and done it all, we can hold interesting conversations. *g* We're also very personable, ya know, to other Children anyway, every one else is kinda filthy, if not an outright darkfriend, and we avoid or torture them to death, whichever the situation dictates. *nods*


What # am I on now? *scrolls up* oh okay


4. The CoL, due to an age old pact with Andor after some border disputes, have procured 50% off discounts to the Caemlyn Festival and Amusement Park, running one week out of every year. The CoL usually gather in swimsuits and bikini's and have a blast watersliding and riding the various neato gadgets that some of the top scientists in any field have spent years developing, years better spent than had they been used for working on life saving cures for smallpox and such, because really, there ain't no money in curing people and even a scientist has gotta eat ya know. Besides, people with small pox are probably darkfriends anyway, and them rides is FUNN!!!!!


5. Catchprases are all the rage these days, be they in wrestling, politics, or entertainment. You want a catchprhase? well join the CoL and I'll have but four words for ya. "Walk in the Light."


6. I am just about the coolest man you will ever meet in your life, people pay to hang out with me, whereas all you have to do is join the CoL. :)


7. *looks up at #6*I have a HUGE ego, I'm not talking I think a lot of myself, I'm saying serious god complex over here. Do you want high self esteem and the shiney white cloak to go with it? all ya gotta do is join up man, we're a group of people with overblown impressions of our own self worth, and it ain't a bad way to live, besides women love a confident man.


8. Laws rarely apply to the Children of the light, so if you have a problem with horse tethering tickets, exorbitant taxes, and them pesky no torturing your fellow man laws nations try to ram down everyone's throats the CoL is for you.


9. Though we all wear the same white cloaks, the CoL is all about non conformity, so while some people would try to strech thier imagination to come up with one more point so they could reach the uniform ten on thier list, I feel no such desire, which is why I can stop now.


Hope those are all good reasons man. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh and if you wanna laugh the evil laugh with the pros, SG is the minor leagues BABAY, the CoL have perfected 107 different evil laughs, care to learn them all grasshopper?

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Sooo ... what makes your brand of crazy better than all the other crazies you can find around the PSW?  The people have a right to know ... or does Amadician law say otherwise? I always forget. :P


Well, if we had the right of it, all people would be dead except us. And then we'd end up killing each other out of boredom and ultimately annihilating mankind, leaving the world exposed to the Dark One. Of course, we'd all be dead, so how much damage can he manage anyhow?  ;D


Why are we the craziest, you ask?  Well. It's all about our simplicity. Sure, BTers go mad cause of the taint. Cause and effect. Some of the Wolfkin go mad when they go through the Howling. Some Aes Sedai are crazy cause they're... well... females. CotL, though? We are JUST mad. No real reason, really. There's nothing out of the ordinary with us that caused this insanity to surface. We are BELIEVERS. And I think, in some ways, it's the deadliest form of them all.  >.>


Though, granted, we won't go off and kill all our loved ones. Cause that would be WRONG! *waggles fingers*  Unless they're darkfriends. In which case, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!






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Okay, I am going to talk a bit about the last segment of this advertising/informational bit. We've covered the idea of RPing, We learned a bit about the CotL, we got to know a bit of the main characters in the Fortress and some of the PSW staff. Then, we learned that to start a character (in any RP Group, for that matter) you need to write a bio. Once the biography is approved and cross checked, you're ready to RUMBA!


Your CotL character is a green recruit. To get him/her up the ladder of ranks there are requirements that involve both Classes and Character Development RPs. Classes are good for your character... but so are Character Development ones. Those round up your character and really forms it. The character grows and in a way, you get to know it better and better understand how it would react.


There is also a possibility to up your character's Weapon Score. This is done independently and unrelated to the rank system I have set up. For clarification, a Weapon Score (WS) is a number. Every new CotL starts with a WS of 4. The more weapon classes you take, the higher it will get (until a certain limit). This will indicate whether or not your character would win a fight against an opponent (depending on the WS of the opponent. The one with the higher one is the one who will most likely win).


Now us CotL are not all alike ;)  There are factions within the CotL. When your character reaches the rank of a Soldier, he/she is able to pick what faction they'd like to join. The requirements for further advancement remain the same, no matter what you choose. But, you can choose Classes and think up Character Development RPs that would suit your choice best.


To give a basic description of the three groups, I will use something I've posted a few days ago on the CotL OOC RP board, with some adjustments:



The Army of the Light is the militant branch of the CotL. Hardasses. Brave, not anyone you want to mess with. They're big on the army life, they guard the Fortress, patrol, leave for other areas in Randland to spread the light...basically being a walking talking killing machine.


The Hand of the Light can be viewed in several ways. For some reason the phrase 'I'm a lover, not a fighter' comes to mind. But you know, you stick to what you do best and there's nothing wrong with that. I guess you can relate to them being more conservative, zealous and so on. They're the crazies and more extreme bunch... that seem to be fans of torture. Not someone you want to meet in a dark ally. Though I suppose you don't want to meet any CotL in a dark ally. They might think you're up to no good  >.>


The Whisper of the Light is more of the double-o-seven sort of group. They lurk about, all casual and innocent looking, but they could probably tell you the color of your underwear... for the last few months O_O. To anyone they would seem regular members of either the Hand or the Army... but really, they're stalking you ALL along without you knowing any better. You poor git ;)




Anyway, I think I managed to give you guys an idea of what the CotL RP Group is about and what you need to do if you wish to join it. I am far from being perfect, though, so I might have missed several points (or perhaps I skipped them on purpose, thinking they are less important).


SO! This is YOUR opening to ask anything that seems unclear.


Either way, I hope you've enjoyed this thread. I tried to make it both fun and informative. I don't much like overflowing people with information. Tends to be scary :)


Thank you for listening!!!




Children of the Light RP Group

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