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(RJ Related)-Please Tell Me This Disgusting Thing I Read Isnt True! (Goodkind?)

The Fisher King

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Tonight i spent much time catching up on old Blog Entries posted here at DM...I never really read them before, even in my years of Lurking...a couple things JUMPED out at me and one DISGUSTED me (if true!!!) ... If this got alot of attention when it came out forgive me for totally being in a cave somewhere.


I am scared that it smells of Goodkind.


In one of Mr Jordan's final Blogs...he writes of hearing that a ''fellow writer'' amde some disparaging comments comparing HIS (the fellow writers) heart to RJ's when hearing RJ's heart was in bad condidtion because of the Amblydioses.



Surely no one on earth would have been that disgusting and classless.


What did i miss? What was this?







I am sorry...but what?


you confuse me a little....


the "fellow writer" compared his own heart to RJ's....metaphorically?

was it in such a bad context that you are so disgusted?


P.S. sorry, but i don't read the blogs....I am too new to the forums to read through countless pages...unless i have links that i can click when someone wants to reference it...i don't go browsing....


Sounds like the Goodkind comment. Goodkind had heart surgery right about the time RJ made his announcement about his heart disease, upon which Goodkind announced to his fans not to worry becase "his heart was just fine".


Given that he had heart surgery, is it really that bad for him to be reassuring his fans that his heart was fine?  I mean, yes, its bad that Goodkind has fans, but setting that aside . . .

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That's what Jordan said. I can't recall the exact quote, but something along the lines of "If you have a cardiologist checking you over in detail, you aren't fine".


And Goodkind is just a terrible person all around.




Do you mean that you can't find the Original Quote...originally?


Or the REFERENCE to it quote by RJ...I just read it last night in the Blog...Ill find it.


A Horrible thing, the way RJ apparently heard (And quoted) it.



Pretty classless...there was NO MISTAKING the slant of ''the writer's'' comment and it was NOT just to reassure his fans about HIS own cardio-health...







A-ha! Think I've nailed it.


In chronological order:


Jordan announced his heart disease on the Dragonmount blog in March 2006.


Here's a June 2006 SFFworld thread about Terry Goodkind's open heart surgery. Note the faxed letter from Goodkind saying that his surgeon stated "I have no heart disease of any kind" and his heart looks like "the heart of a twenty-year-old".


Jordan posted on the 22nd of August 2007:


I seem to feeling rather viperish today. I also hear that a certain writer, on hearing that I had heart problems, announced that his cardiologist, on holding his (the writer’s) heart in his hands said that he could have been holding the heart of a sixteen year-old or some such. My cardiologist told me much the same thing, but I made him give it back. Ahem. A question occurs. What was wrong that anyone had their filthy fingers palping his actual heat. All my heart examinations have been via catheritazation or electrocardiogram or echocardiogram or the like. Only if they saw cause would anyone be sticking fingers into my chest must less fingering my heart. Some discrepancy there, eh?


It's difficult to positively confirm whether Goodkind was making a dig at Jordan, in that letter or via another medium, but I think it's clear that Jordan was referring to Goodkind.


Sirayn - Thanks for digging. You must be Brown ;)


It is rather nebulous.


I don't care for Goodkind, but I don't know the manpersonally, of course, so I can't be certain, obviously, the meaning behind the comments...


My instinct...it SEEMS like it was certainly a shot at Mr Jordan...


But who knows.



I do know that the one time I met Mr Jordan, Mr Rigney, in person...the man EXUDED *Sincerity* and *Genuiness* ... and there was a bit of awkwardness to him that was incredibly endearing...






Here's a June 2006 SFFworld thread about Terry Goodkind's open heart surgery.[/url] Note the faxed letter from Goodkind [glow=green,2,300]saying that his surgeon stated "I have no heart disease of any kind"[/glow] and his heart looks like "the heart of a twenty-year-old".



Em..... ::)


i don't know goodkind and i didn't know about RJ until after he had died, so I might just have missed the environment at the time...



but, I really dont see much of anything wrong....unless they were book enemies or something...he seems to have just been saying no he didn't have heart disease....


idk...it seems like a small jab..but not a personal attack or anything......


again....i didn't know goodking or the situation at the time..so I could just be missing it all....


i don't know goodkind and i didn't know about RJ until after he had died, so I might just have missed the environment at the time...



but, I really dont see much of anything wrong....unless they were book enemies or something...he seems to have just been saying no he didn't have heart disease....


idk...it seems like a small jab..but not a personal attack or anything......


again....i didn't know goodking or the situation at the time..so I could just be missing it all....


Yeah, I don't know. It could be that Jordan was being (understandably, I think) hyper-sensitive. Or it could be that there was a lot of animosity behind the scenes - bearing in mind the famous "I'm aware of Mr Goodkind" remark.


Theres also a Jordan Quote by RJ in one of his Blogs that I read about last night where a someone ask him about similar things that Goodkind has in his books and RJ says ''Check The Publication Dates'' - or something to that effect.









From Mr Jordan's DragonMount Blog, July 2006:


***For Richard Scholten, I have never discussed anything whatsoever with Terry Goodkind. I suggest that you check the publication dates of his books and mine. Of course, he says he has never read me, or so I’m told, and I would never contradict a statement like that. Just check out the pub dates on his books, and the pub dates on mine, those that contain the similarities you speak of.


By the way, I’ve seen posts various places suggesting that I’ve had Trollocs using gateways in previous books. I think this stems from the attack on the Stone of Tear where I speak of Trollocs and Myrddraal “leaping out of thin air.” This was not meant to convey gateways — no openings in the air were mentioned — but rather the suddenness of their appearance. A cliche, I know. Later, in SR I think, I explained that they had been smuggled into the Stone using barges and wagons.***





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