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Im Joking (Well, Sorta)..But, Place Your Bet Here: AMOL or ADWD Published First?

The Fisher King

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Obviously, this is a bit Tongue-In-The-Ol-Cheek...but...i tell ya...the more time that passes and with combined with the amazing rate of writing by Mr Sanderson...Who Knows LOL???


If you want my DEAD SERIOUS Opinion...Ill just put it this way:



If I have a complete and published ADWD by the end of 2011, I'll be Happy. Very Happy.






Great series - does anyone know when the 5th book is coming out?


Book 5 is about done. Just a few chapters to finish off and straighten out. I'm hoping for a completion announcement before New Year's, but I suspect it might drift into January/February. In that case the book would be out around June or July 2010.


Then we get to do it all again for Book 6. Yay :)


Barmacal ... WOW!!! ... Thank You!


I had NOT heard THAT!!!


Is that from his site???


If that turns out...How AWESOME would 2010 be to have a New ASOIAF Book AND a New WOT Book coming out in the SAME Year???


Whens the Last Time THAT Happened???







If that turns out...How AWESOME would 2010 be to have a New ASOIAF Book AND a New WOT Book coming out in the SAME Year???


Whens the Last Time THAT Happened???


2005. In October KoD came out, in November AFfC.


2005? Thanks Kadere!


You know, George RR Martin probably should be pretty ashamed of himself that a WOT book (and going on 2 WOT Books now) has/have come out since his las ASOIAF Book - considering the obvious (And sad) circumsances.







GRRM has published a fair bit of other work in the meantime. He hasn't been sitting on his hands this whole time.


And that comment was from Werthead in the asoiaf thread on this same forum.


ADWD should be out in 2010 and the next ASoIaF prequel novella will definitely be published in March 2010.


You know, George RR Martin probably should be pretty ashamed of himself that a WOT book (and going on 2 WOT Books now) has/have come out since his las ASOIAF Book - considering the obvious (And sad) circumsances.


Why? If he had published the books any sooner it would have been because he was rushing them out to satisfy the fans and publishers rather than himself and the result would have been some very bad books (cough). That is something he probably would have been 'ashamed of', certainly not taking his time to try to make the books as good as possible (arguable as the result was in the case of AFFC).


The reason I say he should be ''ashamed'' is simply because dead authors probably shouldn't be publishing books at a quicker clip than live authors - regardless of qualtity or patience etc etc...







ADWD should be out in 2010 and the next ASoIaF prequel novella will definitely be published in March 2010.


Isn't the next novel always about 1 year away? Hasn't that been the case for what, 5 years or so? And wasn't that the case for the last book as well?


I read the books once. Stopped in the middle of the second then at the urging of a friend finished it to read the third. I just couldn't get into it. The books left me cold. I heard the fourth was quite a step down, so I never picked it up. How many books is it supposed to be in the end? 


As to the prediction: Sanderson says he's 71% done. He promised a book in late 2010. He'll be first.


Shmuel Goldberg,


If I were a betting man I would Back you with zero hesitation.


Anyone who doesn't think 2 WOT Books (TGS and TOM) will be released before ADWD clearly hasn't been paying attention...






In recent interviews Sanderson mentioned, for the first time I believe, the possibility that Towers of Midnight might be a 2011 release. In that case, ADWD will beat it. If it stays at November 2010, it'll probably be close between them, though ADWD should still get there first based on current information, not just from GRRM but also both his American and British publishers.


Isn't the next novel always about 1 year away? Hasn't that been the case for what, 5 years or so? And wasn't that the case for the last book as well?


Nope. No release date was announced for Book 4 until he finished it. No release date has been announced for Book 5 either. What has happened is that fans have asked him for a release date in the past and he's said it might be in a year or two years or whatever, but that's not a set-in-stone deadline, just a hoped-for date. Of course, people than rush off and trumpet it as a set-in-stone deadline over the Internet and then get annoyed when he misses it. Go figure.


It's a good thing I'm a WoT fan as well, or I could mention "Three more books," in 1994 and "Three more books," in 1996 and "Three more books," in 1998. Ahem.




I enjoy your reviews.




Wert Says: In recent interviews Sanderson mentioned, for the first time I believe, the possibility that Towers of Midnight might be a 2011 release.


Whaaaaaaaaaaat??? ... Why is this not being talked about like crazy here??? Where have you heard this??? Hes so close to finishing, why would they push it back??? When they made the VERY Controversial decision to split AMOL, they ADAMANTLY Reassured fans Nov, Nov, Nov (09, 10, 11)... Please tell me this is a joke and you are pulling my leg. :(



Wert Says: Nope. No release date was announced for Book 4 until he finished it. No release date has been announced for Book 5 either. What has happened is that fans have asked him for a release date in the past and he's said it might be in a year or two years or whatever, but that's not a set-in-stone deadline, just a hoped-for date. Of course, people than rush off and trumpet it as a set-in-stone deadline over the Internet and then get annoyed when he misses it. Go figure.


Well, to be fair, if you have followed his site over the years, he HAS, actually, estimated a bit more specifically than you allude to several times...mostly in the early years after ASOS...later he became adamant about no further speculation and only that he would announce its completion the instant he finsihed...he has stayed mostly true to this...except for twice that I can recall...late in 08 he speculated that it looked promising for a Summer 09 release,,,earlier this year he speculated about the possibility of it making the end of this year...lets face it without being scared to admit it: The man has continually been pushed back, delayed and mistaken regarding progress and completion of ADWD...Due to the fact that this is a verifiable se of facts, it makes Gaiman's remarks even more foolish - if thats possible....especially when you really understand the context of Gaiman's remarks, who he was actually direcing them to, and his actual intent - despite the man's hollow-sounding backpedaling.


Wet Says: It's a good thing I'm a WoT fan as well, or I could mention "Three more books," in 1994 and "Three more books," in 1996 and "Three more books," in 1998. Ahem.  


That is ABSOLUTELY Fair...though, Jordan never had the gaps between ANY of his books that there exists between AFFC and ADWD...or even that there was between ASOS and AFFC, for that matter...also, RJ was always accesible through blogs, interviews etc to his fans, affable, and informative...GRRM has gone nearly a year at a time without posting on his OWN BLOG, talke about the fans HOUNDING him and been even what may be called 'abrasive' towards his own fan base...What does all that tell you?






Isn't the next novel always about 1 year away? Hasn't that been the case for what, 5 years or so? And wasn't that the case for the last book as well?


Nope. No release date was announced for Book 4 until he finished it. No release date has been announced for Book 5 either. What has happened is that fans have asked him for a release date in the past and he's said it might be in a year or two years or whatever, but that's not a set-in-stone deadline, just a hoped-for date. Of course, people than rush off and trumpet it as a set-in-stone deadline over the Internet and then get annoyed when he misses it. Go figure.


It's a good thing I'm a WoT fan as well, or I could mention "Three more books," in 1994 and "Three more books," in 1996 and "Three more books," in 1998. Ahem.


Didn't he write in his fourth book that the fifth one was around the corner, it was practically one book split in two, the second one coming soon? I don't own the books, but someone who does could verify it. I think I remember something like that. Maybe I'm wrong and confusing it with something Sanderson said. Anyway, I think you could find release dates for the books on Amazon set about 1 year in the future throughout the last ten years or so. How can you say no release dates were ever announced? Amazon right now has September 2010, same as B&N. I bet a year ago they had Sep. 2009. And Sep 2008 a year before that. I don't think I was all that off with what I said.


ETA: haha, I just went to the review section of B&N, wondering how you can review a book which is not yet finished. Anyway click on the 'customer reviews' tab, then scroll down to the fifth review. It implies precisely what I said. Release dates were sent out frequently and pushed back by a year every year.

In recent interviews Sanderson mentioned, for the first time I believe, the possibility that Towers of Midnight might be a 2011 release
Whaaaaaaaaaaat??? ... Why is this not being talked about like crazy here??? Where have you heard this??? Hes so close to finishing, why would they push it back??? When they made the VERY Controversial decision to split AMOL, they ADAMANTLY Reassured fans Nov, Nov, Nov (09, 10, 11)... Please tell me this is a joke and you are pulling my leg. :(
No. They were not adamant, they hoped they could release then. If the book isn't written, they can't release it. If BS is delayed, the release will most likely be delayed as well. Now, GRRM doesn't give hard and fast dates for his finishing, just hopes (much like RJ with his books, no hard and fast numbers left, just hopes and guesses), because he doesn't know. He hopes he'll do it by then, he hopes it will be released then, and so on. But he can't confirm it, so he doesn't. Just cross your fingers and hope for the best. Although it is quite amusing that AFFC still has the afterword saying it is his devout hope ADWD will be out in 2006.

I am just pulling this out of my ass. However I would not be shocked to see ADWD released right after HBO picks up A Game Of Thrones or right before it airs on the network. I have believed for sometime that GRRM or his publisher have been sitting on the finished book for quite sometime. Paranoia perhaps or just mistrust of authors and the book industry. You be the judge.


In recent interviews Sanderson mentioned, for the first time I believe, the possibility that Towers of Midnight might be a 2011 release
Whaaaaaaaaaaat??? ... Why is this not being talked about like crazy here??? Where have you heard this??? Hes so close to finishing, why would they push it back??? When they made the VERY Controversial decision to split AMOL, they ADAMANTLY Reassured fans Nov, Nov, Nov (09, 10, 11)... Please tell me this is a joke and you are pulling my leg. :(
No. They were not adamant, they hoped they could release then. If the book isn't written, they can't release it. If BS is delayed, the release will most likely be delayed as well. Now, GRRM doesn't give hard and fast dates for his finishing, just hopes (much like RJ with his books, no hard and fast numbers left, just hopes and guesses), because he doesn't know. He hopes he'll do it by then, he hopes it will be released then, and so on. But he can't confirm it, so he doesn't. Just cross your fingers and hope for the best. Although it is quite amusing that AFFC still has the afterword saying it is his devout hope ADWD will be out in 2006.


Gotta love how Sanderson communicates with his readers. He's entirely open, clear, and classy. A true professional.


It's 71% written. If it doesn't come out in Nov 2010 it might be Jan or Feb 2011. No big deal.


Martin has also been open, clear and honest - he doesn't know when it will be finished, and thus when it will be published. How much is complete is also hartd to estimate, as he rewrites a lot. So he might have every chapter in the book written, but not be satisfied with how they are written and spend months tweaking them to get them right. If he has been unprofessional, it's not with his fans, but with his publishers.


Sanderson's progress bar inched up to 73%, so he's writing. I believe his book tour is about finished with a few events scheduled in Utah and Idaho. He probably gets a few weeks of writing done in December and push it to 80 or even 85%. When did he hand in the first full draft of TGS? Wasn't it March or April? If so, I think he could probably get ToM out on a similar schedule as TGS. I would be more worried about the third (fourteenth) book because he won't start with a ~2/3 completed  progress bar after the next book tour.


Sanderson's progress bar inched up to 73%, so he's writing. I believe his book tour is about finished with a few events scheduled in Utah and Idaho. He probably gets a few weeks of writing done in December and push it to 80 or even 85%. When did he hand in the first full draft of TGS? Wasn't it March or April? If so, I think he could probably get ToM out on a similar schedule as TGS. I would be more worried about the third (fourteenth) book because he won't start with a ~2/3 completed progress bar after the next book tour.


75% now.


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