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Ashaman DeRouge

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Oh my god.


You depraved, sick, twisted creature. I just can't beleive, even in the presence of the Dark One, that you would sink to such lows. To describe the act just commited as horrifying, is calling Dragonmount a pebble. The utter ...OBSCENITY of that act, it just goes too far.



Seriously, who drinks Earl Grey?


*shakes head*


Irish breakfast man...Irish breakfast...

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Earl grey is to tea what Chris Cornell is without Audioslave/Soundgarden:


Weak, unmemorable, and bland as buggery. Which actually isn't bland, now that I think about it.



Four posts in, and I can already tell this place will suck up the time I spend at work in which I should be working. *stabs work*


Thanks Panda! Thats a damn fine cuppa. Now, the biscuits?

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however, you have been baiting the Pandy and I WANT TO SEE EVISCERATION!


Aussies are safe from my evisceration. You'd just throw a koala at me and say something snarky like, "that's a real bear, hur hur hur."


Never mind. Puncturing people with kiwis doesn't count as evisceration and it's a lot more painful.  :D

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