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FDM's Grand WoW Adventures

Far Dareis Mai

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Everywhere I look, Emp has started a new WoW thread somewhere, so I figured I'll keep my own Azeroth (that's the world of WoW) diary. I should really just keep a blog, but then it wouldn't be passively annoying to you. :D


So here we go! Entry number 1.


Last night, I was in WoW, doing Auction House business. When I am not out questing with Emp, I am playing the Auction House game. It's actually the funnest thing about WoW. Basically I go through the Trade Goods, and look for cheap stuff. I also look for really low bids, and get into bidding wars (ala the last 10 minutes of an item at Ebay) with people. Sometimes though I get a little carried away with just winning the item from someone who really wants it. Last night was one of those nights. I was in a bidding war with someone over Iron Bars. I didn't need iron bars at all, but they were like pennies, and there was about 30 minutes left of the bid. But then...it happened. Someone else was onto me. They placed a bid, and unleashed a monster. I HAD to win these stupid iron bars. So for about 20 minutes we bickered back and forth with piddly silver pieces, and then...I just said eff it. I bid 20 gold. 15 Iron Bars are totally not worth 15 gold...but I won them. >.>


Also, from now on, throughout my journeys in WoW, you will see fun pictures of people with really stupid names. I figure this will be my way of mocking the game while I play it. >.>


Stupid Name #1: Hogmonger. Wut?



Stupid Name #2: Donkeypuncher. Those of you who know what this means, should be just as grossed out as me right now.

width=640 height=360http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t84/FDMGallery/WoWScrnShot_111809_205433.jpg[/img]

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I think the title "Guardian of Cenarius" makes Donkeypuncher even that much more special.  How could you not take somebody named "Donkeypuncher, Guardian of Cenarius" completely seriously?


I personally liked my hubstar's characters/titles:


"Chef" Nocarneasada


"Salty" Throbbinhood  (he also had Throbbinhood "the Love Fool", which was hilarious).

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