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So how many new novices are there in this week alone?  5?  6?  That's impressive.


I admit to creepily staring at the "Whose Online" page, and waiting to see someone go "Posting a new thread" and then "Viewing the topic Approved WT Bio for Ykoria Eranyame"





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(shrug) you work with what you have, whether it's higher or lower than average strength or skill.  I actually like the fact that I got lower than average strength.  Keeps me humble.


And you'll be hearing from us (Dyrum and Rytali) soon, Mistress Lavinya.  Thank you so much for helping the starting process go by quickly and smoothly!  But first,



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Lavinya's strength is only 23. Made me seriously rethink where she was going to go, but it's fun playing with a burr in your saddle ;). Besides, you can be clever and crafty without being strong in the OP *evil grin*


I know, and that would give me an excuse to have my rather power-hungry and slightly sociopathic novice start plotting to steal the Tower angreal. But I can do that anyways, its fun being able to perform a larger number of the weaves is all.

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Hahaha I like her already ;)



My Bio is interesting, but I think I didn't quite get across how I'm going to RP:


The short Novice. Doesn't talk, doesn't socialize. Roams the libraries in some lust-for-knowledge thingie that the Browns will love. Eventually, after she channels, she'll become obsessed with being able to increase her channeling capacity.


And if she gets high scores, I plan on having her become a little bit of a bully in her uses of the Power as well. Not evil, or even Black per se. Just a little power drunk. :D


She is not going to be a particularly nice person by the time she reaches the shawl, methinks. Think Elaida, but as a Brown or White.

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