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Well, way to go, yet...  I've still got to get my bio cross-checked (and I've a feeling I'm going to have to make some changes to it...)  And then pass the quiz and such.


But after that, I say definitely inform whoever has to be informed!


I think our two novices will be an interesting pairing.  Both are shy with troubled pasts and little parenting- they'll be good for each other, methinks.




PS:  Sorry for high-jacking your thread, DarthRand.  *Throws confetti* Congrats on getting your bio approved!

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You don't have to have roomies, but you're more than welcome too! I strongly encourage you all to do plenty of rps together, they don't have to be requirement rps. It's the best way to get a feel of your character and ensure she's more rounded and fun by the time you reach Aes Sedai.


I'm so excited to have an influx of new novices! As the MoN, I will be meeting you all in your arrival threads eventually, and if you're worried I've missed you or I'm taking too long, please give me a poke. I'm happy to rp anything you want with you, from punishments to a warm comforting shoulder, or classes or whatever you can think of! Don't be afraid to come up with something different, just run it by me first and have fun kids :D

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This is where I have gotten confused...... So you are the MoN Lavinya? In my letter it says that I will be RPing with Elgee who is the IC MoN (Larindhra Reyne)... Though in the contacts it's telling me that You (Pia?) and Elgee (Larindhra) are both MoNs......



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The letter needs updating...so do a few posts I've seen. Elgee WAS the MoN, but since she became the DL, she recruited me to the position. I will be scouring everything to change the information, but yes, I am the Mistress of Novices. Any problems you have, just come see me :). Larindhra was the MoN before Pia, who is now MoN. Sorry for the confusion! :)

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