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one power versus true power


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what is the real difference between the two? there are snippits of thoughts of the foresaken who are aware of both and it seems to be tied to DO but i curious as to whether it is evil or not.

what special powers does one gain with TP over OP? does rand gain this ability after locking DO away?

The Great Lord of the Dark provides his most favored minions with the True Power that comes directly from him. It is even more addictive and dangerous than the One Power. (ACoS,Ch20) Traveling using the True Power involves ripping a hole in the Pattern. (ACoS,Ch20) Users of the True Power such as Moridin develop saa or black spots that travel across the eyes. (ACoS,Ch25) In the Age of Legends only thirty were given this privilege by the Great Lord. (ACoS,Ch25)



The One Power comes from the True Source, the driving force of Creation. The male half of the True Source, saidin, and the female half, saidar, work against each other and with each other to provide the force that turns the Wheel of Time. The True Source cannot be used up just as a river cannot be used up by a mill wheel. (TEotW,Ch12)





Basically, the true power is the power of the dark one himself. The one power is the natural force of the world. I don't think there is has been any reference to the true power being stronger or better than the one power, except that the only way to tell if someone is using it is the saa in their eyes. Also, it doesn't seem like this is something that Rand would be able to get ahold of unless he sided with the dark one.


The One Power grants the user heightened senses when holding the power, also they are able to ignore pain even if they are inflicted with a terrible wound.


The True Power is the same except that it also rants the user greater physical strength when holding it. We saw this when Moridin was watching the golem that time when it was watching Nynaeve-Moridin was watching through some sort of screen. He was holding a metal bar while embracing the True Power and when he removed his hand after releasing the True Power the bar was bent & damaged where his hand had been.


it is much more addictive thatn the one power.we see from moridins pov that "The final price was different, but no less terrible," and that "There was a price, to be sure, one that grew with each use, but he [moridin] had always been willing to pay the price when it was necessary." this could be why ishmael looked the way he did(the fire for eyes etc)this would show me that it is in fact evil,as it stems from the DO


moridin is also now the only person able to draw it,we see this from demandreds PoV:"he himself had never touched the True Power except at need. Great need. Of course, only Moridin had that privilege now, since his...anointing"


and since moggy says it can only be drawn with the DO's blessin we can assume rand will never draw it


So, if one of the forsaken were to be shielded by a One Power wielder, would they be able to draw upon the True Power?


I would suspect yes, unless the shielder would design the shield to also block the True Power. (If that is even possible by a non-wielder of the True Power)


As a corollary, would one be able to be 'severed' or 'stilled' from the True Power?

So, if one of the forsaken were to be shielded by a One Power wielder, would they be able to draw upon the True Power?


I would suspect yes, unless the shielder would design the shield to also block the True Power. (If that is even possible by a non-wielder of the True Power)


As a corollary, would one be able to be 'severed' or 'stilled' from the True Power?


As for being severed from the True Power, I think Rand already knows how to do that when he disconnected Ishy and Asmodean from the DO.


The severing may be similar to what Rand did to Ishy and Asmo, but I don't think it is the same. Those black "wires" that surrounded the Male Forsaken in some instances were what protected them from the maddness of the taint, Asmo admitted as much to Rand during their stay in Rhuidean.


Both are things of the Dark One, so you may be right that it's something along the same lines (no pun intended), but I think he may have to alter whatever it was that he did if he wants to still/sever/gentle Moridin.


This is a quote from the last chapter of The Shadow Rising *quote* "You Chosen"-he [Rand] knew taunting her [Lanfear] was dangerous, but he could not

stop himself-- "gave your souls to the Dark One. You let him [DO] attach himself to you." How many times had he

replayed his battle with Ba'alzamon? How many times before he began to suspect what those black wires were?

"I cut him [Asmo] off from the Dark One, Lanfear. I cut him off!" *unquote* I think that if the True power comes from the DO then it probably travels through this attachment hence, (I hate that word) if you sever the attachment, you sever the True Power.


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