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A return (Open RP)


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OOC: Dash has been gone a LONG time, so feel free to join in; a soldier or two can be in the sentry posts (hidden as part of the woods, stones, and other natural "hiding" spots) and a Dedicated would be at the gate.


IC: Dashiva tugged at his sleeves. He hadn't worn his uniform in well over a year; and it now felt strange to be wearing it. Brushing at the lightning bolts on the sleeves, he reached up and adjusted the pins on his collar.


Running a hand over his bare head, he paused to think whether he really wanted to return to the Black Tower. He had been all but banished, on pain of death to return; why was he coming back.



Shrugging, he seized saidin and opened a Gateway to a path that was well away from the Black Tower. Using the reins, he guided his horses through, towing the large wagon full of spices, and closed the portal behind him.


Guiding the horses down the path, he deliberately ignored where he knew one or two age old sentry posts where, and rode towards the gate that led to the grounds


As he came around the last remnants of the woods, he looked ahead to see a trio of men in their black coats coming out of the little huts to stand directly in front of his path, obviously with the intent to block his entry. Slowing his horse, Dashiva scowled slightly as his trained eyes picked out the silver sword on one man's collar, and bare for the other two.

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  Today was a good day.  Actually, truth be told it was a very ordinary day.  What made it so great was that for the first time since his return from exile Nakor was given the chance to command again.  It was still so grating to remember having command of a whole group of black coats and to now have no respect at all.  He knew he would have to prove himself all over again, but it was hard sometimes to hide his frustration.  He would have to impress the powers that be if he was to regain the respect he had worked so hard to earn.  Today was proof that he was making progress.  Granted, this assignment was only to guard one of the gates into the farm, and he only had a handful of Soldiers under his command, but it was a start.

  So far it had been relatively boring as commands go, but he was careful to ensure that none slacked in their duties and he even found extra work for them to do while at their posts.  But things looked as though they were going to get interesting at last.  Approaching the gate was a man driving a large wagon.  Nakor motioned for two of the Soldiers to join him as he stepped forward to adress the man.  Both of the Soldiers towered over him but he rarely let that bother him anymore.

  When the wagon got closer Nakor noticed that the man was dressed in the uniform of an Ashaman, and an officer at that.  And then he recognized his face as a one-time acquaintance.  "Boys, before you stands the last honorable man to hold the rank of M'Hael Haran.  Welcome back Dashiva.  I'm sure you don't remember me as we only met once or twice.  The name is Nakor Zorrander.  Will you be staying for awhile?"  As if the wagon wasn't indication enough that he would be, it never hurt to ask.

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Seyneru had watched from the sidelines, keeping himself hidden from view by the casual observer.  It was his turn to participate in this training exercise, meant to increase one's stealth and secrecy physically.  Seyneru had already learnt quite well how to keep himself hidden during his time at the countryside, until he was ready to pounce.  With a smile which he showed only to himself, Seyneru looked around a tree trunk hidden some ways in the forest, keeping his black coat over himself so as to blend in with the darkness in the forest.  He moved quietly and stealthily, concious of the sounds that snow could make when he moved.


But it seemed that this new Asha'man, for he had the dragon and sword pins on his coat, knew exactly where the sentry posts were, for he was pointedly not looking in Seyneru's direction, or that of the other Soldier who was hidden in the woods.


But apparently Nakor had seen this new Asha'man to, for he stepped out and gestured for Seyneru and another Soldier to come out of hiding.  Seyneru straightened himself from his crouching position, and walked with a lithe grace towards Nakor's side.  Seyneru looked impassively at the newcomer, for he was driving a wagon, full of spices.  He would not have looked much like an Asha'man had it not been for the Black Coat with the Sword and Dragon pins on his coat.  How Seyneru wished that he could someday wear that same pin on his collar with pride.


But time after time, he had been passed around from Dedicated to Asha'man, Asha'man to Dedicated, and it seemed impossible that he was going to be raised anytime soon.


But there really was nothing to do but to be patient.  All came as time goes by.  And if Estean wasn't proof that channelers lived longer than usual, nothing was.


"Boys, before you stands the last honorable man to hold the rank of M'Hael Haran.  Welcome back Dashiva.  I'm sure you don't remember me as we only met once or twice.  The name is Nakor Zorrander.  Will you be staying for awhile?"  Nakor said, his voice audible for some distance around.


Seyneru bowed slightly before Dashiva, in a gesture of respect towards one who had held the rank of M'Hael Haran.

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OOC: I'm still looking for Racelle's bio... I fear I may have to rewrite it :( but hopefully I'll not get in trouble for posting before her bio goes <b>back</b> up.


IC: Racelle road by Dashiva's side on the front of the wagon reading his thoughts that echoed her own. Why were we back here? Racelle was content where ever Dash wanted to travel next, but it had been so nice to have him calm and unstressed away from the Black Tower. Not to mention civilian clothing suited him so much better. She hadn't pushed very hard to change his mind about returning, but that did not mean she liked the idea. Dashiva's intuition was always so impeccable that she had gotten used to agreeing with him.


As they road through the Gateway into what used to be her prison, she inched closer to her husband and linked her right arm around his left. She was lost in memories of her first days at the Black Tower Farm. It was a stale memory of the day she got lost and stumbled upon the Farm. It had taken her months to accept her fate as a permanent occupant of the Farm. Her last attempt put Dash out of commission for several weeks. She smiled in thought of the early days of knowing Dash. Being so lost in thought, she started when the wagon stopped in front of three sentries. She took in the three that stood before them with no recognition. She had forgotten how hard it was to remember names and faces when they all wore the same ruddy thing.


Sighing internally, she let go of Dash as he sat up straight to address the man and his flattery. She could feel him tense at the mention of his old title.

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Dashiva tensed slightly as the sentries stepped in the way of his wagon; and stopped himself from seizing saidin.


Looking impassively at the Dedicated, he all but ignored the Soldier's as they were no matter and would listen to orders.


"Boys, before you stands the last honorable man to hold the rank of M'Hael Haran.  Welcome back Dashiva.  I'm sure you don't remember me as we only met once or twice.  The name is Nakor Zorrander.  Will you be staying for awhile?" the Dedicated stated, and Dashiva could feel a hint of warmness and a smile lurking behind the man's face.



Dashiva nearly flinched at his old title, but nodded as he vaguely remembered the Dedicated from one of the few classes he had instructed. "I will be staying," he replied flatly from inside the Void as his eyes flicked up to look behind the gate. "I saw what happened at Shienar, and it seems the men here are growing, let's call it soft."



Jumping down from the wagon, he handed the reins to Racelle with a small smile before he moved a few paces away from the wagon in case of a trick. If he died, at least he could try to protect her before nodding at Nakor. "Send a soldier to fetch one of the Tsorovan'm'haels, Dedicated. There is much to tell before I enter the gate," he instructed.



Dashiva knew he should be sweating, but the terms of his exile had been quite clear, and he was riding a fine line just being at the gate and he had no intentions of being executed for entering the grounds proper.

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Arath straightened from his workbench, knuckling the small of his back.  He had been at this for hours, with no apparent results.  Ter'angreal were bloody impossible to make, at least without a model to work after.  Trying to create something entirely new was like trying to build a house using no tools and only your feet.  Slow, painful, and ugly. 


It was somewhat a relief then when one of the dedicated came running up to Arath's home and pounded on the door.  Carefully depositing the half finished ... well, whatever it was ... in a small box, Arath warded the room and went upstairs.  The dedicated on the front step looked agitated, and after a brief explanation, Arath could see why.


M'Hael Haran?  Who would still claim that title?  Arath siezed Saidin and wove a gateway directly to the front gates.  He doubted that this was an attempt to take over the Black Tower; surely someone planning on a coup wouldn't inform the Storm Leaders of his arrival?  Nevertheless, he maintained a firm grasp on Saidin as he stepped through the gateway and let it collapse behind him. 


The sight before him was not quite what he'd expected.  A small cluster of soldiers and dedicated, not a bloody one of them holding Saidin, stood in front of a man who himself stood in front of a large wagon where a woman remained seated.  As could be expected, Arath recognized this 'M'Hael Haran'.


Unsure what the other man was up to, Arath approached cautiously.  "Dashiva," he said warily.  "I didn't expect to see you here."  Indeed, Dashiva was one of the very few Asha'man who hadn't been recalled after Brent's death.  Mostly because nobody had any idea where to find him.  Rather than being exiled to some far away post like most of those who hadn't been in Brent's favor, Dashiva had simply been exiled under pain of death for rather vague charges. 


None of that really mattered anymore with Brent gone, but a certain measure of caution was needed.  Especially if anyone was dredging up the title of M'Hael again.  No, Arath needed to find out what Dashiva knew about events at the Farm, and his motives for coming back.


"What brings you back here?  I assume it's not for a friendly chat with Brent."

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Dashiva's eyes narrowed as a Gateway formed just inside the gate, and a man stepped out. Have they become so lazy they don't walk anywhere? And so disdainful for anyone who might be around? he thought, nearly reaching out for saidin himself.


Folding his arms across his chest as he looked at the man who had come through the Gateway, something vaguely tickled at his memory as the man approached slowly and obviously wary. Bloody soldier must have called me the Haran; they must think I'm giving airs that I never got exiled.


"Dashiva, I didn't expect to see you here. What brings you back here?  I assume it's not for a friendly chat with Brent."



Eyes narrowing still farther until they were bare slits; Dashiva scowled openly at the name of the man who had exiled him before the words sank through. "No I did not," he stated flatly not quite ready to let the Void lapse. His mind raced, and the months he had spent exiled and almost forming his own Eyes and Ears as he Travelled around the world sharpened his mind. "I was exiled from the grounds by him for a failure not entirely my fault. But you aren't cringing in fear one of these Soldiers," Dashiva's eyes flicked at the two lads before looking back, "might try and curry favour by reporting the lack of respect. I saw the end of what happened at my home, I see why."


Craning his neck slightly, he looked through the Gateway to see a handful of young men, running but didn't move his feet. He wasn't going to be tricked easily into stepping onto grounds to be executed...

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"Ah ... so you saw the Shienaran disaster.  The beginning of the end for the M'Hael I'm afraid.  Not a single one of these men will be carrying any tales to him.  Brent is no longer M'Hael.  He isn't even alive.  Covai saw to that not even a week ago."  Arath thoughtfully rubbed his chin.  "We recalled all of the Asha'man to announce a few ... changes ... in the command structure.  Nobody knew where to find you though."


Arath watched Dashiva for any reaction.  The man said nothing, but he was obviously curious.  It also seemed apparent that he didn't know what had happened.  Enough to make Arath relax.  A little.


"You'd better come in and explain where you've been to the rest of the Council.  We'll all want to know what you've been up to.  Those of us who are still here anyway.  I assure you, not a single man among the Asha'man will attempt to carry out Brent's threats."  Arath glanced over Dashiva's shoulder, examining the cart and the woman behind him.  "You can stop by the inn first and drop the wagon off.  I trust you still remember where it is?  Very well then.  Come to the council hall in half an hour."  Arath waved in the direction of the massive building that had been Brent's palace.  "Impossible to miss the bloody place.  The soldiers there will tell you where to go."

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"Ah ... so you saw the Shienaran disaster.  The beginning of the end for the M'Hael I'm afraid.  Not a single one of these men will be carrying any tales to him.  Brent is no longer M'Hael.  He isn't even alive.  Covai saw to that not even a week ago."



Dashiva didn't move at the statement and simply stayed just ready to fight or flee if he had to, until the next words were spoken. "We recalled all of the Asha'man to announce a few ... changes ... in the command structure.  Nobody knew where to find you though."


Physically relaxing, he let the Void slip away, if they brought others back that had been sent away then perhaps he would be able to stay alive without hiding as a trader and sometime smuggler.


"You'd better come in and explain where you've been to the rest of the Council.  We'll all want to know what you've been up to.  Those of us who are still here anyway.  I assure you, not a single man among the Asha'man will attempt to carry out Brent's threats. You can stop by the inn first and drop the wagon off.  I trust you still remember where it is?  Very well then.  Come to the council hall in half an hour. Impossible to miss the bloody place.  The soldiers there will tell you where to go."


Dashiva nodded, before walking the few steps that had seperated him from his wagon, and his wife climbing back up and guiding the horse through the gate and heading to the Inn.


Speaking quietly, he glanced at Racelle. "I'll leave the wagon at the Inn, and order a few Soldiers to unload the spices and food we have into the kitchens. I would hardly believe they've left it the way I left things. And I'll take the wards off our home so your... purchases," he glanced over his shoulder with a bare smile at the boxes of clothing she had insisted on buying; mostly silks and other fancy dresses. "Your purchases can be put away as well."



Stopping the wagon, Dashiva jumped down and looked around quickly, spotting 2 Soldiers walking by, apparently deep in conversation with each other. (OOC: IC victims are welcome to jump in here) "You two Soldiers," he barked at the pair, pointing at them. "Come over here, and help unload this wagon where my wife wants them," he said much more calmly after getting their attention.


"I will be back shortly, love" he said to Racelle, leaning down to give her a quick kiss before jogging off and settling into a quick pace towards his old home. It didn't take him too long, and he seized Saidin just long enough to take the wards down that had barely covered his home. Pushing it away, he set off at a brisk walk, and climbed the steps to the so-called Council Hall.



Forming the Void before he stepped in the door, one of his last thoughts was; why was it called the council hall; who is in bloody charge? before he looked at the soldiers inside flatly. "I'm to meet the council about my return? Where am I going?"

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Racelle listened to the exchange between the Asha'man letting the suprise show on her face when they mentioned the death of the M'hael. If Brent was killed who had been named the new M'hael? The mention of a council sounded very unlike the Black Tower, but perhaps this was for the better? She handed the reins back to Dashiva as they made their way through the familiar farm. She spotted Dashiva's house before turning toward the back of the Inn. It will be dusty and stale in there for a few days before she could have it cleaned. If all went well. Worry knotted her stomach and she unconsciously inched toward her husband again. What would she do if something happened to him?


She pushed the thought out of her mind as he spoke close to her ear,  "I'll leave the wagon at the Inn, and order a few Soldiers to unload the spices and food we have into the kitchens. I would hardly believe they've left it the way I left things. And I'll take the wards off our home so your... purchases," he glanced over his shoulder with a bare smile at the boxes of clothing she bought through their travels, "Your purchases can be put away as well." She smiled and nodded, leaning her head against his chin before he let the horses stop and hopped off the wagon. He helped her down and ordered the a pair of Soldiers to help her with boxes. He gave her a small farewell and turned to leave so quickly she hadn't had time to tell him to be careful. It always annoyed him when she said things like that as though he couldn't take care of himself, but he meant more to her than her own life was worth to lose him. She said a quiet prayer and turned to the Soldiers.


"The twelve boxes at the end of the wagon are all spices. They are labeled by origin. Take them to the storage room and mind you put them where Cook wants them! When you've finished with them the rest need to be taken to Dashiva's house. You may leave them in the front room." When she had finished with her instructions the two stared at her with blank faces instead of getting to work. Annoyed she gave them a hard look and nearly barked "Well? Oh, I forgot..."  remembering how long they had been gone she started again in a more even tone, "I apologize, I'm sure you don't even recognize Dashiva's name. When you've finished unloading the spices I will lead you to the house, of course."


Having their instructions, they began unloading the wagon. She snatched a few apples and a knife from a canvas bag near the back of the wagon walked around the front of her team to give them to her palomino geldings, Rahien and Dazar. They were draft horses bought from Tear. They were larger than normal horses which is why the two of them were all they needed to pull the heavy wagon. She cut pieces of apple for them while their burden was unloaded. She tried not to think about what could potentially be happening in this newly formed Council Hall as she took care of her belongings.

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OOC:  I'm including some of the NPC Storm Leaders in this.  Just play along.  We're assuming that all those present were Storm Leaders under Dalinar, therefore at least familiar with Dashiva.


"M'Hael Haran is it?" mused Haykes Pedrion.  The old Shienaran Storm Leader rubbed his chin thoughtfully.  "Been a while since that title has been used.  I don't think Brent had a Haran."  The Storm Leaders were all seated around the room that used to be Brent's private office.  It was more than large enough to serve as a meeting room for the Tsorovan'm'hael.


Arath shook his head.  "I don't think he claimed the title himself, but the dedicated who alerted me knew it from somewhere.  He didn't know Brent was dead, and I doubt he'd have gone throwing that around and risk angering the M'Hael who banished him.  Unless something has changed drastically, Dashiva is no fool."


"I don't know about that.  Wouldn't simply showing up have been enough?" asked Wayel Daasel.  "Brent was never the kind to let a technicality like standing outside the gate stop him."


"Probably," agreed Arath, "but it doesn't really matter now does it?  We're the ones that will deal with him, not Brent.  The question is, what do we do with him."


"Find out what he was doing in bloody Shienar," said Rorol Baldere.  "And why he didn't join us there."  Haykes glared at the Saldean.  He was very touchy about any mention of Shienar since that horrible loss.


"Agreed," said Wayel, nodding his approval.  "But what about afterward?  Dashiva was a good leader before, and we are short an Attack Leader still."  The other three men grimaced at that.  Only two days earlier, one of the Attack Leaders had been found in his room, having a rather animated conversation with a set of tea cups, each one named after one of the students in the last class he had taught.  When he started smashing the cups, he'd been subdued and given the wine.


Haykes was the first to speak up again.  "Despite the rather vague charges brought against him, he was exiled.  I think we should hear him out before we reach any decision.  However, given his experience, I don't think we could find someone better suited for the job.  Unless he gives us a reason otherwise, I say offer it to him.


The others all nodded in agreement, and moments later there was a tap at the door.  Dashiva stood there, flanked by a pair of soldiers who had escorted him.  Waving the soldiers away, Arath motioned for Dashiva to enter.


"Good to see you again Dashiva," said Haykes with as warm a smile as the stone faced Shienaran could manage.  "I hope.  You probably have questions, but it's best if you give some explanations first.  Where have you been, and what have you been doing these last few months?"

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(OOC: *employs demonic possession against NPC soldier*)


Kelitor was standing a routine guard rotation at the Council Hall, gazing out at the cloud through a small window, when suddenly the Soldier across on the other side of the entry hall straightened suddenly, snapping his attention back to the present.


Raking the entry hall with his gaze was an Asha'man he'd never seen before. Kelitor's eyes caught on the man's sleeves, widening at the lightning bolts.


Then, skewering the two of them with a glance, he addressed them in a voice as devoid of emotion as a stone: "I'm to meet the council about my return? Where am I going?"


Light, but this doesn't look like one I should get angry. With that, they saluted with a fist to the chest. Kelitor flicked a glance at the other Soldier, an obvious order to take the lead. By virtue of being older, and more muscular, thereby inferring a capacity to physically thrash the other Soldier, he won.


Clearing his throat, the other Soldier answered, "Sir, the council is meeting right now, if you'll follow us, we'll show you the way."


Kelitor and the other Soldier both turned then, and began leading the Asha'man back into the building. Finally they came to the door of the council chamber, and the man knocked lightly, and was promptly invited in.


Looking inside, Kelitor could see all the higher ups of the Black Tower, including Arath, who flicked his fingers and him in dismissal. Kelitor and his companion saluted again, then marched off to resume their post at the doors.

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As he watched, there was a sudden surge of Saidin nearby.  Looking around, he saw a gateway spinning in the air.  Arath stood framed in the gateway, and he looked tense.  No wonder, as Asha'man were regathering out of nowhere, and there had been several voices of dissent upon the new changes that had been quickly suppressed.  Seyneru looked from Arath, who stepped through and let the weave dissolve but still holding Saidin, to Dashiva, whose face was flat and unyielding.  Soldiers and Dedicated alike were looking warily at the two here.  They obviously knew each other from the older days.  The question was, would the two fight like Covai and Brent had previously?  Or would they settle their differences?


As Seyneru watched, he began to feel more and more relax.  Obviously Dashiva wasn't going to attack or he would have done so by now.  His voice was also much more normal than previously, although he looked slightly disdainful at the Shienarian disaster.  Seyneru had not been there, he had not arrived at the Tower soon enough, but he had heard of horrors and atrocities the Shadow had inflicted upon the Weapons of the Light.  He had also seen the wounded being tended at the infimary.  He had not the Talent for Healing, and so he was running errands for the various people in charge then.


But back to the present, Dashiva suddenly gestured towards him and another soldier.  "You two Soldiers," he barked, pointing at them. "Come over here, and help unload this wagon where my wife wants them."  He seized saidin, causing Seyneru to blink, and channeled at a house nearby, which Seyneru realized only now was warded with Saidin.  The wards were taken down, and Dashiva left for the Council chamber, while his wife looked at them, hands on hips.


"The twelve boxes at the end of the wagon are all spices. They are labeled by origin. Take them to the storage room and mind you put them where Cook wants them! When you've finished with them the rest need to be taken to Dashiva's house. You may leave them in the front room."  Seyneru stared at her, face a bit blank.  It had took her three seconds to clarify and say,  "I apologize, I'm sure you don't even recognize Dashiva's name. When you've finished unloading the spices I will lead you to the house, of course."


Seyneru nodded and went to the back of the wagon.  There, at the end, were several boxes, full of, sure enough, spices.  Exchanging glances with the other soldier, he took a box out of the wagon and put it on the ground, then turned around.  The other soldier gave him his box, and Seyneru put it down as the other soldier turned inside to take yet another.  And so the process continued, until they finally finished unloading the lot of them.  It was quite fast - it was only twelve boxes, and they stood around waiting for something more for them to do.

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Dashiva walked down the hall behind the 2 soldiers, and stopped when they reached a door and one rapped sharply on it, before opening it. Glancing around the room quickly, he nodded slightly; many of the men inside he had known once; they had all had command of various parts of the Tower.


"Good to see you again Dashiva," said the one Shienaran he only vaguely remembered with a small smile. "I hope.  You probably have questions, but it's best if you give some explanations first.  Where have you been, and what have you been doing these last few months?"



Stepping further into the room, he looked behind the door as he pushed it closed by reflex. He remembered more than one occasion that they had to ambush a man to force feed the wine... glancing back at the men in front of him; he dropped one hand to the sword on his hip and bowed slightly. "Peace favour your blades brothers," he spoke to the room in general before fixing the other Borderlands with a brief glance before he clasped his hands behind him.



"As for where I have been, I'm sure by now you all know that I was exiled by the M... by Brent." Shaking his head slightly at his slip, he went on. "After my exile, I left rapidly, and went into hiding. I couldn't be sure that others may be sent to kill me after I had left, so I became a trader. Trading in anything and everything, I offered to carry anything to anywhere faster than anyone else."


Clearing his throat, he shrugged. "I wasn't above smuggling either if I had to; and using saidin we could move farther distances than others could, but not instantly... I worked slowly at first, shaving a few days off another smuggler's best time at first and slowly continued shaving a few more days off until I made the same trip in half the time. After building those connections, I moved on to other regions, building trading networks. I had a cargo bound for Shienar, when as we went to make camp I felt saidin being used in enough Power I had to look. After cresting a hill far away, I could see the... routing of our brethren. I didn't stay long, but that view of defeat compelled me to return, if only to see why we lost."


Looking around the room, he was a little disturbed to realise he had growled the last and one hand was clutching at the hilt of his short sword and had bared an inch of the blade. Slamming the blade back in, he turned around from the other men as he fought for a control of sorts without resorting to the Void. That was too dangerous now to speak from the Void.

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Racelle fed the last core to Dazar and looked past the team to notice the Soldiers' progress and found them done. "Thank you gentlemen, the house is at the other end of the Farm, so follow me." She gave them a smile as she climbed up the wagon and clicked the horses into motion. It was a familiar path to her old abode but she took in the few new features as the horses took on a slow plod. It was nothing drastic, just a new building here and there but mostly just the same. At least it didn't feel like a prison any longer.


The house came into view looking as it always did. It was just a simple two story thing with a single front step. Racelle swung the horses wide and pulled the backside of the wagon next to the door for the Soldiers. She turned in the seat of her wagon and climbed into the back. She separated some of the boxes that had different odds in it turned to look at one of the Soldiers to help her down. Thanking him when she had hopped from the back of the wagon she issued more instructions.


"These two boxes," She patted the one closest to her, "need to be put in the kitchen at the back of the house. The ones to the left can be left in the hallway at the top of the stairs and the three on the right need to be put in the bedroom on the right on the second story."


As the two began working again, Racelle took up her canvas bag that had a few necessities and keepsakes and walked inside. The dust was thick on the few pieces of furniture. Hopefully Dash can take care of this dust so that I don't have to. Sometimes she quite enjoyed his channeling ability. She smiled to herself as she walked through the house, memories flooding back. Pausing to let one of the men pass, she made her way up the stairs to her bedroom. She opened the door and coughed at the dust that rose. The dark Sheinaran furniture was as impressive as always. She could remember waking up late in the night and frightening herself at the dark shapes in the room. Setting the bag down on the bed she went back outside to watch the men work. One of the Soldiers carried the last box into the house and the other came back and was about to grab the bag of grain when Racelle stopped him.


"That one will go with the wagon and horses to the stable by the Inn. The last box has tack in it." She smiled as he stepped back from the wagon. Racelle was waiting for the other man to return before she took the wagon to the stable. "What is your name?" She tried to make conversation.

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The news had spread fast; arrival of Dashiva Somtaaw back to the Tower was on the lips of every soldier he passed along the way. Most seemed to agree that he had gone straight to a meeting with the council and that a woman was traveling with him. That was a new piece Linten had not counted on. Dashiva was an individual like most of the men at the Farm when Linten had arrived. He remembered the man as a general good natured person with a strong sense of fairness. He had a strong relationship with the men back then and was a natural leader.  That was probably the main reason why Brent had exiled him, though it was really anyone’s guess. Linten had thought at one time he had Brent dancing on string only to find himself exiled. A rather troublesome and harsh reminder that he did not control the game nearly as well as he had hoped. But now with Dashiva’s return there was a new playing piece in the game; one that he might be able to work off of. He knew he would never be able to persuade Dashiva the way he had Brent and right now he had to still keep his head low. He was sure the council was still watching him eagerly waiting for him to screw up and give them reason to remove his head for the tree or feed him the wine.


No, for now what he needed was an ally or a friend. At this point Linten would settle for an acquaintance that might not harbour as must caution around him as the rest of the council did. But as the Father of Lies would have it, the council had gotten to Dashiva first. What their goal was and if they were indeed trying to manoeuvre Dash into some game of their own Linten would now have to wait and see. But he still needed to find a way to reduce some of the suspicion around himself. That might be accomplished if he could renew a friendship of sorts with Dashiva. But what were they telling him and how much of the Black Tower’s events since his departure did Dashiva know about? There was only going to be one way to find out. He had to wait until the council was finished with him and then, perhaps if he was not escorted by the council or one of their dedicated lap dogs, he would have a chance to talk to the man again. With luck he would remember the old Linten and not the later conflicted Linten. With great luck he would not have a lot of knowledge of the events that transpired while he was exiled. It seemed far too many in the Black Tower could not see or believe the benefits of what Linten had done.


If Dashiva was not going to be available anytime soon then the next best place to start would be with the woman that had arrived with him. Linten did not recognise her, but if she had arrived with him and was obviously having things moved into his house it was a safe bet that she would hold information that might make a reunion with Dashiva a little more tenable. With a last regretful look at the building the council was sequestered into with Dash, Linten turned and made his way toward the house and the small party there that was finishing up.




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Seyneru followed Neira's instructions, and along with Kemilor, the other Soldier, carried the spice boxes into the house.  The house, of course preventing intruders with wards, had not been used in what seemed like months.  The wards of course, did not prevent settling dust from entering, and so when they walked in, Neira started sneezing at the amount of dust that coated the floor.  Seyneru for his part, moved as smoothly as he could, trying to stir as little wind as possible, however much that was possible with a coat that was up to knee-length stirring air all over the floor.


And so they began working again.  Seyneru was large for his age and strong as well, and he was able to handle much the work easily, without sweating that much.  Of course, that included the simple fact that it was snowing outside.  This year had had odd seasons, and blizzards were very common even this far south in the land.  Having been taught the trick of mentally distancing himself, Seyneru did not shiver in this cold, although his body was less able to do so.  But he was hardy, and he had not gotten frostbite yet, so he supposed he was all right, with snowflakes drifting down around him, coating his hair a pure white instead of its usual black.


But the last straw came when he started sneezing uncontrollably the last time he went into the house.  The dust was immensely thick, and every sneeze generated more dust.  Finally, exasperated beyond measure, Seyneru simply embraced the source, Saidin filling him, life and the taint boiling through him, the Life wanting to make him weep, the taint nearly forcing him to vomit.  Seyneru's eyes flashed white, and he wove flows of Water and Fire, spinning them together labouriously, and channeled all the dust out of the room through the nearby window, where it was swept up by the wind and vanished.  He was about to dump the grain on the floor when Dashiva's wife came back and gave him other instructions.


"What is your name?"  She asked as well.


Seyneru gave her a slight smile.  "My name is Seyneru Yoshan.  May I inquire as to yours?"  Then suddenly, a slight movement caught his gaze.  A figure emerged from the snow that was swirling, that he recognized.  Seyneru blinked.  It was Linten, who had talked to him before.  He had become wary of the man, there was an aura of ... uncertainty about him.  Bowing slightly, he greeted Linten.  "It is good to see you again, Asha'man."

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Arath surpressed a grimace as all eyes turned to him.  If Dashiva had come home for an explanation, he certainly couldn't be denied it.  He could hear most of it from any soldier at the inn, and since Arath was the only person in the room who had been present at the defeat, it fell to him to best explain.


"You didn't see the half of it.  But I guess I'll start at the beginning.  It started with a recruiting party that came back from southern Shienar.  They were attacked by shadowspawn, and the one power.  The ones who managed to escape went immediately to Brent, and the fool had us moblilized withan the hour."


Arath went on to explain in great detail what had happened that day; the arrival of four hundred Asha'man in Shienar, the initial waves of shadowspawn, the slaughter of Kirrisin's forces inside of Fal Moran, and the retreat soon afterward.  And about the shadow's circles.


"Covai and I did the best we could with what we had, but we were sent in unprepared.  Brent couldn't see anything but the glory of liberating the country from the Shadow, and didn't give a second thought to actually finding out what we might be up against first.  He assumed he could overwhelm whatever problem we came across with numbers.  We fared well enough against the shadowspawn, but the dreadlord circles ... everything that's happened over the last couple weeks is because of those circles."


With that, Arath fell silent again, waiting for Dashiva's response.  He knew that the news was difficult for any of the Asha'man to handle, let alone a borderlander.  Haykes had been livid when he'd first heard about Shienar's fall.  Dashiva had to be going through the same turmoil.

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Dashiva's face tightened as he listened to what happened, and he knew his hand was tightening on the hilt to his blade until the fingers cracked.


Shienar wasn't supposed to be prey to the Shadow; we are supposed to be heros of the soft south landers a voice whispered in his head. Foolish southlanders have no idea what happens in the north; now your home is nothing...



Turning around with a snarl; Dashiva punched the solid wall before he realised what he was doing and then looked at his broken right hand dumbly. Forcing it to flex and letting the pain rip through him, he looped the thumb into his belt and turned back. "My home was in Fal Moran once..." looking down he swallowed before loooking back. "What are we doing to re-inforce the Borderlands?"



He didn't dare voice the question as to if they would reinforce; he didn't want to know what he'd do if they weren't going back...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arath winced as Dashiva's fist hit the stone wall with a sickening crunch.  "We have scouting parties throughout Shienar and Arafel, looking for the main body of channelers there.  It's difficult to move around with that many fades and dreadlords watching, and so far we haven't found anything.  I think they're all still based somewhere in the blight, and just travel to where they're needed.  For the moment, we've reinforced the Kandori border but I doubt the shadow will bother with either Kandor or Saldea now, not when they have a wide open path to the south.  Tar Valon is the only thing standing in their way now."


The Storm Leader paused for a moment, wondering how best to explain what they had been up to in Tar Valon.  "With the situation as it is, we've worked out an arangement with the White Tower.  With the Red Ajah actually.  Something a little more ... solid ... then what Brent came up with.  Light willing, we'll be able to field circles of our own now and crush the dreadlords next time we meet.  I intend to drive the shadow back into the blight, but I won't commit more men to the slaughter until I know we at least have a chance."

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Linten accepted the soldiers greeting with a nod of his head, “Seyneru, indeed.” His voice left just the barest hint of a possible question to that. The man had begun to seem a little uneasy around Linten unlike the first time he had met the man. Perhaps there was others whispering in his ear as well, or perhaps Linten’s past had begun to surface in rumours once more. The first he could observe and perhaps correct, the later he was powerless to deal with for now. But that could change in the future, perhaps. His eyes took in the lady with them in a quick measuring gaze. Yes now that he was close he was sure he had never met her before. “I see you have been helping a new guest of the Black Tower.” He had studies the wagon as it had passed through the yard earlier so he knew the size of the load and some of the parts making up the wagon load if not their exact contents. “It seems you have traveled far and will be stay long with us.” Again there was the barest hint of a question in his phrasing.


“But I forget my manners. Please, I am Linten al’Dracain. I am glad to see that the soldiers were able to assist you so efficiently. I once knew the man that lived here; he was a ... acquaintance of mine. I have not seen him in a long time. Would you mind if I waited with you for his return miss ...?” He dipped his head again to the woman leaving the question hanging as to her name.



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Growling softly at the implication that even the Black Tower couldn't immediately move again into Shienar, Dashiva nodded. "Very well, if you'll have me then I shall remain and help to push the Shadow back to the Blight. I cannot just sit idly by and watch my homeland stay in the hands of the Shadow."


Flexing his broken hand, he started regretting have punched the wall. He didn't dare form the Void until he knew exactly where he stood in the Tower now. Harbouring faint thoughts that even now they would offer him some wine, or just plain kill him, he didn't desire to give anymore cause than just standing here.

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"Good," said Arath, to the nodding approval of the other three Storm Leaders.  "We have need of you.  The fact that so many seem to remember you despite Brent's efforts speaks highly of you as well.  As it happens, we are in need of a Baijan'M'Hael.  We just lost a good man to the taint, and his seat on the Guardian Council is open ... if you'll take it."


"And regardless of whether or not you take the job, you'll be needing that hand again.  If you'll allow me?"  Arath stepped forward and placed a hand on Dashiva's shoulder, siezing Saidin as he moved.  He waited for the other man's approval though ... Shienaran's had odd ideas about honor sometimes, and it wouldn't do to tread upon it right now.

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