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Lets Rate Fantasy Author's Writing Styles as G, PG or R in Terms of Maturity

The Fisher King

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I cringe when I see The Belgariad or Mallorean these days. Did I read them as a child? Yes. Did I LOVE them as a child? Yes. But they were almost painfully G.


Feist, one step-up from Eddings in my opinion. PG for Riftwar.


Melanie Rawn R!!! (More people need to read her series about Rohan, Pol etc and we should talk about her more.


Erikson - PG.


Hobb - PG 13.


Martin R - X.


What do you guys think about this?




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Juat wanted to clarify...I didn't mean that I only enoy material where things like war and language and sex are explicit like in Rawn or Martin or that I dislike milder versions like Eddings simly for being ''cleaner''


I cringe at Eddings and his like now, as an adult, because of how trite and teeth-grindingly infantile his style was.


Jordan and WOT are VERY clean for the most past (especially in terms of language and sex) and I love WOT and think Jordan was a Brilliant Writer.


Just wanted to clarify.






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One of the reasons I love Brandon's novels so much is that I feel very comfortable recommending them to my students who read fantasy. They are very much on an adult reading level, and there are some adult themes, but I never worry about accidentally exposing a kid to some crazy graphic sex or new way to swear when I offer a Sanderson novel up.

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I'm also thinking of the mounds of corpses where the smell is so bad people are almost throwing up after Dumai's Wells, or the various blood and guts flying around in battles. It's not OTT or anything, but RJ does make it clear through the books that this isn't the nicest world and sometimes horrendous things happen to people.


There's also the intimation (confirmed by RJ, IIRC) that two of the female characters were raped by a Myrddraal, which is fairly disturbing.

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A song of Ice and Fire, definatley R rated (although the American rating system confuses me, I assume that R is 18+)


According to the American MPAA system G= All Audiences, PG= Parental Guidance Suggested, PG-13= Parental Guidance Strongly Cautioned: May be inappropriate for children under 13, R= Under 17 requires accompanying a parent or guardian, and NC-17= No one 17 and under admitted.


Where it gets tricky and somewhat pointless is in determining where those lines are crossed.


As for the topic ASoIaF R, Erikson R, WoT PG-13, Sanderson PG-13, Rothfuss PG-13, Lynch R, Bakker R, Hobb PG-13, Goodkind R, most Tad Williams is PG-13, Zelazny PG-13, Herbert PG-13, Heinlein goes between R and PG, Lewis's Narnia is G his Space Trilogy is at least PG-13, Tolkien's Hobbit is G Lord of the Rings is PG-13, T.H. White is PG-13, King is mostly R with a few PG-13's. Something like that.

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