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Final Fantasy


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Well, Ive only played two Final Fantasy games properly.


FF7 is my favorite game of all time, and I still play it now. The storyline is something else, and the characters are great. Except for Aeris of course. I usually tell her shes the village drunk, but she actually laughs at that which means she thinks Im joking. I am nasty to her at every chance I can get. Mwahahaha


Advent Children was brilliant, couldnt have been better. They got the voices right even though there were no voices in FF7! I dont really know how thats possible but it just is. The only thing I would change about the film is that Barret wouldnt look quite as clumsy, he should have done Big Shot on Bahamut or something. Clouds set of swords are brilliant! Im an aspiring writer and I got a lot of ideas from FF7, both the game and film. Love it


FF10 was also great, but doesnt compare to 7 for me. Still though, 10 brought an epic scale to the game, what with being able to break HP, MP and damage limits. Epic.


Shame I didnt discover Final Fantasy until year 7 of highschool.


Me and my bro got a Playstation for Chrismas 1996 with FF7, first time we'd come across a game like that, and it blew our minds. Funny though, at first we thought it was crap, because right at the beginning you get to this elevator and whatnot, and we spent ages trying to find the button to go down and we really couldnt find it. We sacked the game off because of it!


Anyone who has played the game will know its the easiest thing to find in the world. I laugh every time I think about that because we condemned the game because we couldnt find some stupid button. Yes, a lot of swearing occurred then, but we tried it again a few days later and found it. The shame.


Anyway, I could really rant and rave about Advent Children. Has everyone seen it? If not, and you like FF7, you need to see it. I love it when films are made out of old games or cartoons, and Advent Children is definitely high up on my list. The exaggerations they put in there, like Clouds swords that fit together or his massive bike with sword compartments, fit perfectly. Crisis Core is obviously heavily influenced by Advent Children and I like that a lot because of it. For those who know, the training simulation scene with Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth is excellent. That trio is brilliant, its a shame you dont get to see them in action together.


I really should flay FF7 sometime.  Although I did beat Sephiroth in Kindom Hearts ;)


From my limited experience, Cloud is cool, but that's about all I know.


I'm a final fantasy nut.  I BELIEVE I have 100% all of them that are available to the western market (I get confused with the FF6 and below...)


Also, I'm one of those few crazies that thinks FF8 was a great game.

FF8 agreed but I didn't like 12 that much the battle system just wasn't for me



Really?  I like it better than random battles.


Play Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross if you don't like random battles. And Zack Fair is definitely cooler than Cloud.


Gotta disagree with that one myself. In Crisis Core I was gutted that Zack wasnt "serious" enough for my liking. He looks so cheesy it irritates me whenever you see his face. Thats just his personality though. I like the image you get when you first see Angeal, the powerful silhouette with a white light behind him, with the legendary Buster Sword on his back. The word paladin jumped to mind when I first saw that bit.


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