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Anyone heard of New Threads In the Pattern?


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The early books in the series were re-released in several parts for some reason, I believe possibly to make them more attractive to young readers. IIRC EotW was re-released as "From the Two Rivers" and "To the Great Blight".


The early books in the series were re-released in several parts for some reason, I believe possibly to make them more attractive to young readers. IIRC EotW was re-released as "From the Two Rivers" and "To the Great Blight".



Have you read it???


That's all they are Tigraine.  Just the Eye of the World and The Great Hunt divided up for young readers, with new cover art to compliment them. 


My question is, did they ever do this with The Dragon Reborn onward, or where these the only two that got the "young reader" treatment?  I only ask because I really liked the new cover art that came with them.


They only did it with EotW and TGH. EotW got an added prologue chapter called "Earlier: Ravens" in "From the Two Rivers." All four of the books were illustrated. And the glossary sections were bigger.


Has the "Ravens" chapter been included in any recent reprints of the full Eye Of The World novel, or is it exclusive to the young reader version?

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It's exclusive to the YA edition, but it will be part of TEOTW comic adaption that Dabels are supposedly working on.

I stumbled upon a book called new threads of the Pattern on In the Pattern and it said part 2 to the great hunt...anyone heard of this?

It is the last of the Starscape versions of this series.

The Starscape versions are targeted to younger readers.



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