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Call of Duty


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anyone ever play the newer one, Call of Duty: World at War?


its a pretty BA game to be honest.


You start of being rescued by fellow american marines after being captured on the small island of Makin Atoll. After two sections of fighting the Japanese, you swith to a private in the Red Army (Russian). After meeting up with a russian sniper, you take over sniping and take out a German officer.


Throughout the game you switch off and on between the two. Facing Japanese suicide runs in the trenches of Japanese held islands, to going toe to toe with highly trained German SS officers.


The graphics are awesome, and the gameplay is very good. With an amizing story line......this game plain rocks.


As an excuse for this.......all i have is that i am very bored, and decided I wanted to post something with some substance. Please don't firetong me  :o


Anyone else ever play it?


I haven't. I don't have time or the money for games unfortunately. I'm sure someone has played it. Shame Demi isn't around, he would have!


If you want do a review on it in the library and get points for it. Try to follow the format of other things there. Everyone can then vote on it and then you get points :)


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