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Guest cwestervelt



That link has been posted numerous times on the Dragonmount. Probably everytime people start up on Olver is Gaidal again. It can also be found easily enough by Googling.


Concerning the time issue, it flows differently, but never goes backward. You go in, you don't know how much time passes in the real world before you come out. When out, you don't know how much time passes in Tel'aran'rhiod before you re-enter. You will not enter prior to your last exit though, nor will you exit prior to your last entrance. If you are in one world, and an event occurs, you will not enter the other before the counter part event occurred. When we saw Gaidal in Tel'aran'rhiod we were provided a maximum waking world timeframe.

Guest cwestervelt

Is Charlz Guybon a toddler of 2 years old or less? If not, then see all the above concerning age and Olver.

  • 2 months later...

Okay, I know Birgette (Sorry about spelling) says Gaidal was spun out again, but I want to know if anyone knows wether RJ has said specifically that thats what happened? How do we know he wasn't forced out early like Birg?

How do we know he wasn't forced out early like Birg?


Why would someone force him out early? Who would do it? As far as we know, only Moghedien knows how, and she had no reason to go after Gaidal, since he wasn't helping Nynaeve. Also, thats the only way Birgitte became vulnerable, by helping Nynaeve. We don't KNOW in the sense that it has been stated, but there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest that he was ripped out, and Birgitte (who has seen this happen before, after all) is sure he was spun out. There is no reason to disbelieve her.


Indeed, his abiding by the Precepts seems to forbid it.


Does anyone think Charlz Guybon is Gaidal Cain?


Aside from cwestervelts very true logic about ages, Charlz Guybon is in the story for a different reason. RJ wrote him in on behalf of a woman who requested that her husbands name be used in the story. She had, i believe, won a competition.


Also, he is goodlooking. Gaidal is not. Ever.

  • 2 weeks later...

Forgive me, I'm still re-reading EotW, but are we sure that Birgitte is still Birgitte Silverbow reborn. I think that things like her memories of her past lives leaving her, is a sign that she is no longer a hero. Of course, after this life she may become a heo but no longer Birgitte Silverbow. Of course, you may argue that she never remembers who she is in her past lives when she is reborn, but i think this could be possible.

are we sure that Birgitte is still Birgitte Silverbow reborn.


Yes. There are many ways to be sure of that from the text, I will pick only one here.


Min recognizes her from Falme, when she was called with the other dead Heroes to the Horn. Min also sees viewings for more events than could happen in one lifetime. Birgitte Trahelion, Elayne's warder, is Birgitte Silverbow.


I think what he was asking is if we know if she is still a hero, bound to the wheel. And if she is still herself.


My take on her memory loss is that this is the wheel righting itself. What happened with Birgitte wasn't intended, but it did happen anyway.

I think what he was asking is if we know if she is still a hero, bound to the wheel. And if she is still herself.


My answer was yes.


Min also sees viewings for more events than could happen in one lifetime.


Min only sees the future, so she is seeing Birgitte's future adventures being spun out on the Wheel.


Min see auras around people, and sometimes can tell things that will happen from them, but that doesn`t mean she can`t see something from the past. When she goes with Rand to the Cairhienin rebels in the forest,(Toram Riatin, Darlin Sisnera and Caraline Damodred) she says that some guy(forgot his name) has raped and killed in the past, and will in the future.


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