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Horn of Valere - Translation


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"Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin." = "The grave is no bar to my call."


Moridin. Could there be a mis-translation over the years of what's on the Horn? Anyone any good with Old Tongue?



From what I gather the Old Tongue is quite fluid, filled with phrases that although identical mean different things in different circumstances, I think "The Grave" and "Death" are similar enough to warrant similar name. "The Grave" could also just be a artistic elaboration in order to make the prose roll a bit better of the tongue.


I blame the Gleemen and Bards of Randland. Confusing us all.


But generally I didn't think words got capitalised in the Old Tongue. If Moridin is capitalised, it's 'cause it's a name...


I'm hoping RJ has a very large tome of OT sayings & language that BS will release one day... :/


tia = to the

mi = ? May be 'my' - 'mia' is 'my' in 'mia'cova'

aven = ? Might be something to do with trees actually - avendesora and 'tia avende alantin' = Brother to the Trees - alatin is 'brother' I think?

Moridin = a name, death

isainde = ?

vadin = ?


It's actually quite interesting looking at the language...


Yep, done that. :) And the above is the result.


I DO think Moridin's capitialised on purpose - we've even been told a moghedien is a spider - note the lower case 'm', implying that it's not like German with all nouns capitalised.


So, if we change is to 'Death is no bar to my call' where 'Death' is Moridin, is that another prophecy? That the man Moridin can't stop the horn being blown? Or it will help stop Moridin?


The idea that Moridin in this case refers to everyone's favourite Nae'blis has been brought up before. Of course the problem with it is that why would they think Moridin was a bar to its call in the first place? Does he have some sort of Horn-stopping weave?


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