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alittle bit about me


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i am 25 i am married with two kids our daughter is 13 and our son is 5. I am a big boxing UFC and basketball fan. I am currently taking up Digital arts I graduate in 2011. me and my wife have been toghether for 8 years but we have only been married for 2. I love the wot. i have also read the mistborn trilogy and i think brandon sanderson will do a great job on the final three. i am from the US i live in Pa. well thats all that i can think of right now, any thing else you want to know just ask and i will answer. I am an open book


Nice to meet you jcb...where is Pa? I know it's in the states somewhere (just for those that want to make a wisecrack) :P


I'm from sunny England, and there are a few of us in this org, and we are kinda noticeable. Only 25 and two kids one 13 (I take it she isn't yours, but then she might be ;) )


I have a 9 year old, and a little older than you >.>


Well because you like WoT I'm sure you will fit in just fine here ;)


If you are an open book, which book would you say that you are most like ;D






WEll I awlays think that being a Dad isn't necessarily anything to do with blood relations ;) My little girls Dad, is the worst Father going and doesn't even see her. Good for you, you have my greatest respect for that. :)


you're not too far from eclipse, but he's not round at the moment, a little tied up with work and stuff at the moment :(


I see you have jumped right in, excellent. ;D



I'm from sunny England, and there are a few of us in this org, and we are kinda noticeable.


Sunny? Pfft. :D But yeah we are kinda noticeable, lol!


I'm curious as to what Digital Arts involves? :)


i am pretty good with photoshop and illustrator. i teach my wife alot of the stuff I learn because she use's it to make her sig's for Cafemom( a site for just mothers). i love Pixar ever since I started drawing when I was a kid I wanted to work for them. have you ever been to the US and if so do you prefer it to the UK. do alot of the hip hop stars from here get alot of air time over there?


I'm useless with illustrator and photoshop, I use Gimp. Its basic, but does what I want it too. :D


I was actually born in the US, only moved to the UK 6 years ago. I have to say I do prefer it here! We get a few hip hop stars, mainly the bg names. Hip hop doesn't seem terribly big here to be honest.


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