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Y'see, I like Relient k.


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I have hearg good things about blackadder, but never seen it...I should really work on remedying that situation!


I really wish this forum had spell check...computers have made me very lazy and bad when it comes to spelling...I'm always paranoid about my spelling when I hit the post button!



Don't worry about spelling; no one here is perfect (even me! :o :P) when it comes to spelling and grammar.



It's so easy to mistype things...


Well, if you have the Mozilla Firefox browser, it will underline misspelled words in red, like in a word processor.  Unfortunately, sometimes words aren't spelled wrong, but the Firefox spell checker doesn't recognize it or something.  And it doesn't do grammar check.


Firefox is free.


So I just realized that I typed hearg instead of heard...I'm leaving it to make my point!! I have firefox, but I always use IE because that's where all of my favorites are saved. Oh and also because I fear change! I'm not overly worried about my spelling...It was mostly me just thinking "out loud". I get bored at work...really really bored...a lot! You people are my salvation!! Never a dull moment here!


Yeah, when I downloaded Firefox it asked me right away if I wanted to import all my favorites from IE, and it was done really quickly.


And I much prefer Firefox in the long run.


Apparently, even the government says IE isn't as good as Firefox.


Just saying.


Oh I know it's better. I use fox for certain things, and I actually really hate IE. It crashes about every 5 minutes...Stupid devil program!  >:(

I'm just really too lazy to transition. Not too mention I have been puting up with IE for so long that it seems wrong to give up after all this time...

I'm really really stubborn like that....



Apparently, even the government says IE isn't as good as Firefox.


A broken clock is right twice a day.

The broken clock is a comfort

It helps me sleep tonight

Maybe it can stop tomorrow

From stealing all my time


First thing I thought of. :D


**edit for new post**

Stupid computer froze. >:(

I know the feeling, though not when it comes to IE.  I was perfectly happy to give up IE. Maybe because I'd already been using Firefox exclusively for a long time when I got my computer.


**edit for another new post**

I hate you, damn computer.


My whole computer froze, though, and I had to run Task Manager.  Something had the percent of PC usage up at 100%, instead of down around 4 or 5%.... GR.


It's been doing that to me a lot lately...



And how has Gothic 3 been to you lately?


Thank you for attempting to contribute. :P




Quote that sounds really bad out of context:


"Cody, get off your mother!"


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