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Huston, we have a problem!

Toy and Minion

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You're probably right; I've only watched the whole movie, um, twice I think.


And I haven't seen it in a while, because our DVD got all scratched up and stopped working.


I did watch the duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin on YouTube though.  Like a week ago.


And in speech class I had to give an impromptu speech on this topic:


"Tell us where baby platypi come from."


Oh, yay, of all the topics.


I couldn't get "Tell us about your mother," "Which do you prefer and why: Curly fries, Waffle fries, or straight fries," or "Talk to us about your hometown and what you like about it."


No, it had to be about a platypus.


At least I didn't get "What are mooninites?"  Because I didn't know that one.


Apparently I was one of the only people in my class who knew they lay eggs.  And that they have poisonous spines on one of their back feet or both, if they're males, I believe.


Figures they're from space.


That is an interesting concept, I'll have to ask my Astronomy professor what he thinks about that. :D


"Sir, just one question--is it possible?"


He doesn't really even do anything with our course, lucky guy.  Just grades our virtual labs and our tests.  We've only turned in one of each so far.


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