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Toy and Minion

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This gives me a funny mental image: Jack Bauer wearing headphones with a mouthpiece, sitting at a table with other commentators before/during a big football game.


Rick Hoffman: We all know that the Broncos are going to have to pull it together to get anything done this game.  They haven't gotten very far for quite a few years, so they'll have to pull out all the stops this time if they want to make it to the Playoffs.


Dennis Tyler: I couldn't agree more, Rick.  What about you, Jack?


JACK BAUER:  I know exactly what is going to happen.  The Broncos will find the bomb and try to disarm it.  That's when they'll get hit by the Saints.  The Saints will steal the bomb and place it where it will do the most damage.  This area will be codenamed the "End Zone".  Jack Bauer will have to throw a Hail Mary to stop the terrorists in their tracks.  But before he can arrive to the bomb, the Broncos will have recovered it.  Now they plan to use it themselves, against the Saints, instead of disarming it.  Knowing the damage that could be inflicted upon millions of innocent bystanders, Jack Bauer attempts to stop the Broncos.  He will get arrested and force a break-out.  He will then kill everyone with a gun who stands in his way.  He'll be able to stop the Broncos from detonating the device in time for "Sudden Death".  In "Sudden Death" Jack Bauer will shove the bomb down the lead terrorists mouth and kick him off an airplane where he'll explode above the Mohave Desert.  Resulting in zero casualties.


Dennis Tyler: Thank you Jack, but-


JACK BAUER:  I don't want your thanks, dammit!  I just want to be allowed to live my life!






I seriously LAUGHED OUT LOUD A LOT for that.


You should earn points.


*wipes tears of laughter from her eyes*


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