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Inspiration-where do you get yours from?


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Having had a longer than expected period of complete and utter writers block, for want of a better term, i think it may be nearing it's end.


Usually i get inspiration from talking to friends, asking what their chars are doing etc. Or i get a flash of inspiration and come up with the title to the rp. A long time ago the Wolfkin did an rp called "At the Gates of Silent Memory". This is back when i was Wolfkin DL. the title was mine and once i had worked that out the rp plan came about quite easily.


Today i came up with another title,"Astonishing Panorama of the End Times".


Now all i need to do is fill in the spaces and present it here. Anyone want to jump in and help brainstorm something that would fit the title than post your suggestions here and lets see what we can all come up with ;D




Ranger Leader


Wolfkin to the core.

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I get most of my inspiration from other RPs i'm in actually. At this moment, Arienna, Melenis, Tavon, Mara, Saira, Rebecca, Calaun, Sharina, Jehaine and Amyante are all former chars of mine, Daciana is based on someone else's character (i asked permission to steal the idea), Aeryn and Irian are from an anime and Jerinia's from a game. Masura, Kizuna and Jelana are new.


...Yeah, i have a lot of characters <.<

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