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First post and don't know what to post

Narina Menderlin

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*coughs* *slumdog millionare* *coughs*


But I only sorta enjoy that kinda thing. Basically I like guessing but I get half or more wrong. I would be the one following along from my television set.....


*laughs* No need to explain yourself. TV can be very entertaining. Even educational, sometimes. I personally gave up on it because I dedicate my time to other things and that fits me more. Also, I will admit that if allowed to, I could easily become a TV addict. >.>


Firstly, that should be "You're too" as opposed to "Your to." Secondly, you still don't know what you're talking about.


I'm not, at the moment.  But I sure have been.  Luckily for me I have someone who kicks the depression's ass whenever it comes knocking. :D


BTW i don't actually own a t.v that has cable I've just seen Slumdog Millionare and my dad liked those programs when he had a t.v so i watched as well. Did my homework first and everything. >>>




No i've got way too much homework. I can't be in this many orgs with the amount of homework i've got. Not to mention I need time to practice besides homework and that would be the time i'm using to post on this board. You all are great but i'm gonna have to leave.....


What do you have to practice (I'm curious. :D)?




Well, I'm sorry it's not working out for you. :(  Maybe we'll see you in the future when you're not swamped with schoolwork!  That would be cool!


Good luck with everything, and maybe I'll see you around some of the other Orgs we're in!


Good luck with your homework Nari, I totally understand. But please know you will always be welcome back, as a visitor or to join again. And if you ever feel like sharing your Graphic art we would love to see it.


*huggles tight* :)


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