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Hi, I'm new obviously.  I started reading the books as an escape when I was in a troubled time in my life about eight years ago and I really haven't put them down for more than three months since.  When I finished the latest book I take a break and start over again.  I'm about to read KoD again just trying to wait so it's paced out for TGS's release.


My favorite male character is Mat(late in series) and Perrin up until book 4 or so.  My favorite female character starts as Nyneave/Min a definate tie, and works into Egwene though Min is still a close second.


Least favorite is Perrin late in the series, and Elayne pretty much from book 1. 


Shadow Rising is my favorite book.  Moridin/Ishmael my favorite Forsaken, and Bella is my favorite animal :)


I'm also kinda new to this whole forum posting thing so please bear with me.  I've lurked on many forums but this is my first time actually trying to get involved in a community.


Thanks and Hello all.

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Yes, have fun and enjoy the place. The people are great. If you are interestid in meeting like minded people or such, check out the orgs. Or if you enjoy RP'ing, we got that too. The place is at your disposal lol.

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