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Min and the Aelfinn?


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Something I've been thinking about for a while is Min's viewings and how they connect with something else since nearly everything in the WoT series seems to be connected one way or another. So, after re-reading the part about Mat's trip to Finnland, I noticed that when he talks to them they seem to be looking just above his head. This seems a place that Min generally has her viewings. Now, since Min doesnt always get viewings of people there were two options that I had that seemed acceptable to why the Aelfinn can always answer the questions.


1. By what Moiraine said, you cannot ask meaningless questions. So if when you ask a question of some importance about yourself an image will flash above your head. And seeing as the Aelfinn have been doing this for a while, they will always know what it means.


2. The Aelfinn have ripened the ability to foresee events somehow and can always come up with a true answer. Or, just Finnland in general makes the person more susceptible to being viewed.


Either way it is, I see some connection between Min's and the Aelfinn's viewings. Possibly the other restrictions have something to do with viewings or just that the Aelfinn don't like those things.


I'm not sure if Min's parents were ever talked about, or if she was just raised by her aunts. Maybe there is a connection somehow between the two.


maybe min is aelfinn in disguise  :o  haha lol probally not      good theory tho  :)  never thought of that link before      i agree i think mins ability is very close to the aelfins abilty    i always thought she looked a bit snakey...... ??? :-\      :D 


Interesting thought. I do recall, Moiraine I believe it was, talking about how they rumage through your memories and feelings. Not sure if it the same thing as what you are talking about.


Min's father has been mentioned, he was miner in the Mountains of Mist before he died and Min spent considerable time with him, where she learned to like coats and breeches. :D


Some past thread speculated about this.  Do not remember how long ago nor which thread.


Since the Aelfinn can collect memories, it seems they work more with inside the questioner's head than above the head.

Maybe they collect info then shape it into something visible; something like that might have been what they were looking at.


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