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Audiobooks on iPhone?


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Well, buy them in mp3 format? If thats not possible(really not sure how far audio books have gone this far, compared to say music which you have been able to buy in mp3 for ages)... well there is a certain site that ends with bay with a file of the size of 18.7gig(a site that has been convicted and is about to close down). And if you forexample already bought the audio books in cd format and dont know how to convert them or if you say like me already got all the books in both hardcover and pocket, at least i wouldnt feel ashamed...

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Audible.com and the iTunes store both have the unabridged books available. Buy them, download them, load them into itunes (if bought through Audible)  and load them on the iphone. (or an ipod)


I have all the books on my iphone and I'm listening to book 6 again on my way through the series preparing for the next book. I didn't get all of them on line. Some I ripped from CD's I had purchased previously.

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