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Please Explain!!!

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I know this has been discussed before but I cant find the thread!!! Could somebody please explain to me everything about slayer. I really need to understand this as its annoying me!!!

If you dont want to explain then could you at least tell me the name of the thread and where it is......

or maybe even a link!!!




Slayer is a.. melding of Luc Mantear (Rand's uncle, brother to Tigraine Mantear, Rand's mum) and Isam Mandragoran, Lan's Brother ? (need back up not too sure) who disappeared into the blight something happened to them in the blight and they melded becoming some sort of Super Darkfriend. He was the one who killed the grayman in the Tower with the knife and it was possibly also him who shot at the Amyrlin (Siuan Sanche) in Fal Dara with the arrow. He's on a mission to kill Ordeith who we know as Mordeth/Fain and he's scared of Perrin also he walks T'A'R as a human not as a Dreamwalker and he has split personalities but they seem to be in agreement with each other.


That's all i know i think anyone else can back that up dissuade or expand upon it :D


lan's cousin


lan was heit to malkier but his aunt wanted to place HER sun Isam on the throne instead. isam dissapeared but we later see him melded with luc to form slayer


First of all this will have SPOILERS, we get more information about Slayer as the books go on although there is much about him stilll a mistery. So if you havent read all the books dont read this cause R.J will probably give you the answers you want in the books.


I'll explain what i can remember and hopefully someone will tell you what i cant remember.

Uhhh ok lets see, Perrin is the first to discover slayer in his "wolf dreams" or tel'aran'rhiod. Perrin then met a man in the Two Rivers who callled himself Lord Luc. Perrin often thinks that Luc looks at times like Lans brother, while at other times looking as if he could be Rand's uncle. Ok this is going to drag on so i''ll shorten it.

-We find out Lord Luc is Slayer.

-Slayer is a merging of two people. These are Lord Isam Mandragoran (cousin of Lan, who believes he died in the fall of Malkier) and Lord Luc Mantear (Prince of Andor, brother of Tigraine).

-Now Rand eventually discovers his mother was Tigraine (long story which explains alot) meaning Luc is Rands uncle, which explains Luc's strange resemblance to Rand and Lan.

-Both people made there way to the blight, where in the Mountain of Dhoom people believe both souls merged into what we now know as Slayer.

-Somehow he gained powers (most likely from the D.O). He can enter and leave tel'aran'rhiod in the flesh at will. This makes him extremely dangerous and is the shadows unofficial asassin. He can also enter the Tower of Ghenjei.

-Both personalities have survived and work in co-operation, appearing to be friends (one personality repressed itself to let the other come foreward to kill someone because he "enjoyed it")

Well hopefully that helped. Sorry its so long but hes quite an interesting character.

Guest Majsju

Isam was more or less kidnapped as an infant, and raised to serve the DO. The details about that is a RAFO, so hopefully we'll get some insight in AMOL.


Luc was sent to the Blight by Gitara Sedai, the same Aes Sedai who sent Tigraine to the Aiel Waste. Why she did it is also a RAFO.



He can also enter the Tower of Ghenjei.


That is pure speculation, there is nothing that proves it. Perrin thinks Slayer entered, but we've seen characters be dead wrong in their beliefs several times.

Guest Winespring Brother

The thing that I wondered about Luc was the way in which he enters into and exits from tel'aran'rhiod. In winters heart we see him step out from TAR into the room in the Inn to stab that couple, appearing at the same place in the real world as he was in the dream world, backing up that he is pysically in TAR. What gets me though is that when Perrin shoots slayer in TAR, he vanishes, yet rather than going to the same place in the real world, he reappears in his bed in the Winespring Inn, as soon as he vanishes from where Perrin is. Why would he want to appear there when it is in the same building as Perrin is sleeping in, and thus blowing his cover?


So Breyan was a darkfriend and she raised Isam to be the same????? is that right?????

I have another question!!!

Cowin Fairheart was a hero in the boarder lands!!! In the first book it says Jain Farstrider captured him when people discovered he was a darkfriend!!!

But then Ishamel (when hes pretending to be the DO) says:

"Jain Farstrider, a hero. Whom I painted like a fool and sent to the ogier thinking he was free of me"

Was Farstrider a darkfriend ???

And if so....... Does that have some effect on Noal as he claims to know Farstrider(a relation if I remember correctly)!!! Could Noal be Farstrider!!!

Please explain if you can!!!


Maybe theres some effect of being forced out of TAR!!!


I Think Noal's just an anomaly... who knows a lot about Farstrider cos he's a member of the family. As for him being a DF it's highly unlikely but not impossible more likely just improbable..


Its pretty much certain that Noal is Farstrider. In either case, no Farstrider was not a darkfriend. He was used by Ishamael, tortured in some way and allowed to 'discover' something Ishamael wanted the light to know, and allowed to escape. That was what Ishmael meant about how he was 'painted like a fool and sent to the ogier'.


Could we have less exclamation marks and question marks please... for my eyes. (said lightly, as a joke... but seriously, each sentence doesn't need three exclamation points... unless its from a soap opera script, in which case go for it.)


wasn't what the light was meant to discover the eye of the world plot?and i know this is off the point,but do we know who the voice belongs to in tEotW?who says "IT IS NOT HERE," near the end?

Guest cwestervelt

I remember reading something about the voice at the end of The Eye of the World being a RAFO. Nothing in the next 10 books appear to provide any answers.

Guest Winespring Brother

I really hope we find out in the last book who's voice that is. I just don't buy into the rubbish that it was the voice of the creator.


Something else a lot of people don't realise is that Slayer killed Rand's real father in the Blight because "(Rand's Dad) couldn't fire his arrows into the man who looked so much like his love." (Tigraine/Rand's real mother)


Interesting little tidbit about our favorite assassin. :D


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