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Hello to all that read this board. I've been reading the news articles on this site and also the forum discussions for about 2 1/2 years and finally decided to join since I had an itch to get in some WoT rp'ing, not to mention input my own opinion to some of these awesome discussions I've seen pop up. It's great to finally be a part of this forum and I look forward to the time I will be spending here.

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welcome, harldyaaron.  Just call you aaron?


I'm sure you'll enjoy the RP side of things, but don't forget the Orgs.  take a look around, see if anything draws you in.


Don't hesitate to ask questions, and always be sure to have fun.

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Haha yes, Aaron will do. I'll definitely try to be involved in as much as I can manage. Might possibly get involved with the Illuminators since I am studying Creative Writing and Graphic Design in college this fall.


Thank you for the warm welcomes, and I'm sure I'll have questions.

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