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Perrin's knowledge of the Broken Crown

Beli Tsar

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Where does it come from? Everytime I re-read the series it seems he goes from having no clue what Min's vision in TEOTW about the crown means, to knowing that Faile is cousin to Queen of Saldea (TSR I think?) but still knowing nothing of the book, and then he rescues Faile in KOD and asks her about it, or maybe says they'll have to discuss it later and she seems slightly abashed. Maybe I just haven't noticed the part, but where in the books does he learn about it?? Is it from discussions with Tylee or Elyas perhaps?

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Faile is third in line for the throne of saldaea, after Tenobia and Davram. Saldaea has Kings and Queens, not a Queen and her husband being a prince consort. Like some have suggested on these boards on other threads. Saldaea's first ruler was King Rylen. This is what the wheel of time wiki says atleast.




The wiki is a good way to learn in detail about Randland. Check it out Beli if you have more questions like this about something you may have forgotten.

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The Broken Crown? Yeah, its the crown of Saldaea. Faile is second in line.
Wasn't it third? After the current queen Tenobia and Davram Bashere?
No, it was second. Tenobia, being Queen, is not in the line of succession. Davram is first, Faile is second.
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