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Conquest... Evil Elf killer


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As stated above i be Conquest, what ive Quested, i have no idea, but the name has always made me feel beter about myself, so yeah, though i have killed hundreds of stupid evil elves, they follow me because i stole a cookie. i call it the dead elf curse ::)


So pull out your rifles or bows or ready some weaves cause whenever im around get ready for the blue rambling chanting waves of Elves...


*a distant bugle sounds*


*Grins and pulls out his heavily used M16* LOCK AND LOAD


M16?? pffft ... *compulses the elves within reach to obey her every whim, and balefires the rest*


now THAT's how we deal with things around here!  ;D


Well what fun is that?!?!? their an endless supply of evil killing elves out to get me and bailfiring them just clears the path for the respawned initiates to try their shot at me... may as well take plesure in knowing what they would look like if they had a third eye between the two they already had with a pricision shot from forty meters away, oh and a flame thrower adds to the fun when it starts to get boring


But nothing beats tossing a cookie in the middle of a group and watching them scamble to get it just to realize that it has a incinarary granade tucked inside

*grins as he pulls one he had ready* see watch


*Throws Chocolate blast(a catchy name for a cookie that bites back i think) and laughs as a pile of stupid elves start to climb into a mound fighting to get the cookie* and in Three... two ... one... We have Detonation!!!! ;D





.... >:(


Hey what happe....*KERPOW!!*




Oh look at the ickle elvsies...they would look good strung up, or maybe put in the stew pot.


Are they tasty Questy? Ohhh...that rhymes...hehe


*throws a special cookie in amongst the evlsies*


*watches them dive in a scramble to eat it then watches as yellow pus biols appear on them as they then hiccup and then explode in a litle heap*


Now that was quite entertaining...


well ive managed to keep a couple of the buggers to stop from dissapearing, all you have to do is pee on them.. odd isenit? but i put some of their parts together and now all i need is a lightning bolt to bring my creation to life and ill have my own multielfish minion to order around and have some brute streangth as well.... call me toy again and ill sick him on youEhm *couph*  :-X


*adds a lightning bolt*


There does that help.


I'll not do peeing bit on them though, you have the honours of doing that. :D


I won't call you Toy...just Civie Q




HE LIVES!!!!!!


*gags* and he stinks *pinches nose and waves hand in front of face*


Can you blast em with water too  ;)


I shall call him squishy and he shall be my squishy... Hmm either that or Gorge


Good thanks... now i need to see if hes battle ready...


*walks up to Gorge* I want you to smash that last elf in the cage Gorge.








Hello? Gorge... come in Gorge...


I think i need to teach him english first... :-\


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